A short time later, Katara and the gang are leaving the Fire Nation Capital following their failed invasion. She later attended Zuko’s coronation as Fire Lord and was smiling. This shipping usually includes Katara under her alias as The Painted Lady (not to be confused with the actual Painted Lady spirit).

The ship's first real "moment" took place when Zuko tried to capture Katara.

Am I crazy?You can see a slew of fan-responses below as netizens defended their favorite ship. ?I mean this was official commentary on the episodes so you can decide for yourself :-) Honestly, Avatar should've had no romance. The official account asked whether Zuko and Katara would have made a good couple. So Katara is actually closer to Zuko than she is Aang. Uncomfy.zuko and katara don’t even have chemistry. Katara accepted Zuko’s request to help him in his battle against Azula. Okay time to settle something, Zuko and Katara would have made a good couple, right? While watching the actor of Zuko calling Iroh stupid, Katara asked if he really said that and Zuko lamented that he might as well have. 1. Zutara is a ship that people have grown up with, and it’s not going away anytime soon. This post immediately piqued interest as the shipping war between Katara x Zuko and Katara x … The official account asked whether Zuko and Katara would have made a good couple.

When Katara and Zuko battle at the Spirit Oasis, he discovers she's a much stronger bender now. Mai Luko — the ship between Zuko, Mai, and Ty Lee 5. Maijinko — the ship between Zuko, Mai, and Jin 3.

Unlike Master Pakku who takes lots of convincing, Zuko immediately acknowledges Katara's … Katara managed to finish the battle and beat Azula.

The page put out a poll to get a better feel of the more popular ship. Zuko used this ship to travel around the world in search of the long lost Avatar. Katara and Zuko were on much better terms and even sat next to each other when watching a play about themselves. He informs him of the truth, that the Avatar is alive and that he is going to join him. Each day, there would be a theme and fans would draw fan art, write fan fiction, or even compile AMVs based on the prompt of the day.
Also, an event called “Zutara Week” was started in 2008. In fact, he tried to reason with her and explained that he just wanted Aang so that he could go home. As the sun appears again, both men engage in a brief battle, ending with Zuko escaping. The series is like amazing, but it didn't need any romance.> Tells Aang she's "confused" about her feelings before the final battle Tokaang — the ship between Zuk… Azula shot Iroh with lightning and Katara tried to go help him and Zuko with her healing but the latter was panicking and scared Katara off. After being at home in the Fire Nation, Zuko eventually came to his senses and decided to join Team Avatar so that he could teach Aang firebending.

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It was there After all, Zutara came in with nearly 39% while Kataang ended with 39.4% of the vote.

She then went to heal Zuko while crying but succeeded. horrible couple, zuko isn’t ready for relationshipsMy man took a lightning bolt for her and she still went with Aang.the way y’all always scream about zuko’s amazing redemption but when it comes to zutara he’s still an opressor?

"…But I am ready to forgive you." There were a good number of none shippers No she would’ve become the queen of the nation that destroyed her people To respond to people saying the age gap is the same between Katara and Zuko: Studies show that girls mature faster than boys mentally. Maikotara — the ship between Zuko, Mai, and Katara 4.
While Zuko was at first hesitant to see his uncle, fearing that Iroh wouldn’t forgive him, Katara encouraged him to apologize. Jetkotara — the ship between Zuko, Jet, and Katara 2.

The two later fought at the Northern Water Tribe when Aang was in the Spirit World and Zuko tried to capture him.