February 17, 2017 - Elder Financial Abuse, Trust Litigation, What do you do when you find out your elderly loved one was subject to exploitation that resulted in the wrongful taking of estate or trust assets? When used in this title unless otherwise expressly stated or unless the context or subject matter requires a different interpretation:(g) "Financial exploitation" means improper use of an adult's funds, property or resources by another individual, including but not limited to, fraud, false pretenses, embezzlement, conspiracy, forgery, falsifying records, coerced property transfers or denial of access to assets. (statute does not define adult, although in the “protective services means…” it uses the term vulnerable adult and then defines vulnerable below, but nowhere else does the statute define “a person.”; vulnerable adult is used in the neglect definition (but not the financial exploitation definition) and is defined as:"Vulnerable adult" means a person 18 years of age or older who resides in a community setting and who, because of a physical or mental illness, disability or deficiency, lacks sufficient understanding or capacity to make, communicate, or carry out decisions concerning his well-being and is the subject of abuse, neglect or exploitation. Exploitation means the taking of property of a vulnerable adult by any person by means of undue influence, breach of a fiduciary relationship, deception, or extortion or by any unlawful means. TITLE 52. “Exploitation” means any act taken by a person who has the trust and confidence of an older person or a vulnerable person or any use of the power of attorney or guardianship of an older person or a vulnerable person to:      (a) Obtain control, through deception, intimidation or undue influence, over the older person’s or vulnerable person’s money, assets or property with the intention of permanently depriving the older person or vulnerable person of the ownership, use, benefit or possession of his or her money, assets or property; or      (b) Convert money, assets or property of the older person or vulnerable person with the intention of permanently depriving the older person or vulnerable person of the ownership, use, benefit or possession of his or her money, assets or property.6. Theft of the assets of an aged person or disabled personA. Elder Abuse and Elder Financial Exploitation Statutes. An official website of the United States government EXECUTIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTS, OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES "Exploitation" means the act or process of illegally or improperly using a person or his resources for another person's profit or advantage. "Incapacitated'' means that the physical, mental, or emotional ability of a person is such that he is unable to manage personal, home, or financial affairs in his own best interest, or he is unable to act or unable to delegate responsibility to a responsible caretaker or caregiver.TITLE 52. Government agencies and regulators are being forced to address the financial exploitation of older adults, as recent studies estimate that between $2.9-$36.5 billion in wealth is lost annually. 6. Stat. (1) willfully uses, withholds, or disposes of funds or property of a vulnerable adult;(2) obtains for the actor or another the performance of services by a third person for the wrongful profit or advantage of the actor or another to the detriment of the vulnerable adult;(3) acquires possession or control of, or an interest in, funds or property of a vulnerable adult through the use of undue influence, harassment, duress, deception, or fraud; or(4) forces, compels, coerces, or entices a vulnerable adult against the vulnerable adult's will to perform services for the profit or advantage of another. The federal government, states, commonwealths, territories and the District of Columbia all have laws designed to protect older adults from elder abuse and guide the practice of adult protective services agencies, law enforcement agencies, and others. "Exploitation" includes, but is not limited to, a single incident. "Exploitation” means the illegal use of an incapacitated adult's person or property for another person's profit or advantage, or the breach of a fiduciary relationship through the use of a person or a person's property for any purpose not in the proper and lawful execution of a trust, including, but not limited to, situations where a person obtains money, property, or services from an incapacitated adult through the use of undue influence, harassment, duress, deception, or fraud.VII. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SENIOR SERVICESADULT DAY CARE PROGRAMS(1) "Abuse", the infliction of physical, sexual, or emotional injury or harm including financial exploitation by any person, firm or corporation;(13) "Likelihood of serious physical harm", one or more of the following:(d) A substantial risk that further physical harm will occur to an eligible adult who has suffered physical injury, neglect, sexual or emotional abuse, or other maltreatment or wasting of his or her financial resources by another person;TITLE 8.