I am a former SEC attorney, former Legal Counsel and Director of Compliance to Putnam Investments. Believe me, Wall Street won’t care one iota if the details surrounding one highly unusual—not to mention improbable—politically-charged, failing investment are made public. As a result of diligent investigative reporting by local media, the Toledo Blade, the fund manager was sued by the state on behalf of the OBWC.
Your COLA—which should never have been cut—is no closer to being restored 7 years later, after losses exceeding half a billion dollars. August 3, 2020 GMT. Born Edward Ahmed Hamilton Siedle, I grew up in Trinidad,I have been called "the Sam Spade of Money Management," “the Financial Watchdog” and "the Pension Detective."
In Rhode Island, in states round the country, and countries around the world gambling in alternative investments has meant workers paying exponentially more to Wall Street for less—poor, not better, performance. Getty. He has no authority to do that as far as I know,”She continued, “He is losing his mind. Rhode Island Gov. And her minion, General Treasurer Seth “Kid” Magaziner has continued her shameful tradition of being complicit with Wall Street, concealing mismanagement and widespread pilfering of state pension investments. What I am saying is that, due to the Governor’s involvement in making the sale of the unproven investment to the pension and collecting fees from the fund over the past 13 years, not-to-mention the possibility that this fund could continue for another 13 years, there is a To my knowledge, there are no “trade secrets” here that merit protection. Business-as-usual on Wall Street has not suffered over the intervening 15 years, to my knowledge and the OBWC fund is still able to access Wall Street’s “best” deals—if you want to call them that.Now, I’m not saying that Gina’s fund is doing anything wrong. And, as you may have heard, these authorities do, in fact, listen to me from time to time and reward me when I assist in prosecuting wrongdoers. It’s a deal so drenched in obvious political foulness that it reeks. It’s often said “you get what you pay for.” When it comes to investing with Wall Street, more often than not, that’s simply not true. So, you have two choices. Gina Raimondo's home. I promise you that to this day, I continue to talk to law enforcement and regulators about investigating these matters.
Again, you need to know the facts. Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo's 13-year "Loser's Bonus" paid by the state pension is not Wall ...[+] Street business-as-usual. Thursday, in an interview with WPRI, Rhode Island Gov. 19,336 talking about this. You should trust Wall Street with your retirement savings, says Gina and the Kid, without public scrutiny, without accountability.They say that if the pension doesn’t agree to Wall Street secrecy demands, the “best” deals these billionaires have to offer workers will not be available to the pension and the pension will suffer.
In a democracy, public monies should always be subject to public scrutiny. Rhode Island Access to Public Records laws should require disclosure. I, like you, have no idea what it’s doing—other than published reports of unimpressive performance. Gina Raimondo (D) said that both President Donald Trump’s tweet floating delaying the 2020 election and his sending federal offices to quell protests in Portland has led her to the conclusion that the president is “insane.”When asked about the tweet, Raimondo, “It’s insane — like, he’s insane. I have been called "the Sam Spade of Money Management," “the Financial Watchdog” and "the Pension Detective." They make no sense at all. On the other hand, the potential harm from releasing the information regarding this single, highly-unusual, politically-charged deal is non-existent. Or you can continue to fight the good fight.During that seemingly endless waiting period when I knew I was right but seemed to be getting nowhere, I often recalled the words of one of the greatest writers of our time, Samuel Beckett:Since the looting of your pension is still going on, so must you. You know we’ve never seen a president do that, certainly not in our lifetimes.
It’s essentially sending in the president’s militia into a state over the objections of the governor and law enforcement in that state.” 19,563 talking about this. Protesters gather outside Gov. For over 20 years, I owned securities trading and investment banking firms. Rhode Island Gov. In 2017, I secured the largest SEC whistleblower award in history ($48 million) and in 2018, the largest CFTC award in history ($30 million).Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. The world did not come to an end by making the records of this highly unusual, politically-charged investment open to public scrutiny. Of course, these disingenuous arguments are meant to scare the public into agreeing to Wall Street secrecy demands. Gina Raimondo (D) said that both President Donald Trump’s tweet floating delaying the 2020 election and his sending federal offices to quell protests in Portland has led her to the conclusion that the president is “insane.” When asked about the tweet, Raimondo, “It’s insane — like, he’s insane. And some of you may recall that before Gina even entered into her $2 billion hedge fund gamble, the world’s greatest investor, the Oracle of Omaha, Warren Buffett said, DON’T DO IT.
This is an outrageous exception to the rules of normal pension prudence. Official Page for Governor Gina Raimondo I am an active member of the Florida Bar. I am nationally recognized as an authority on pensions and investment management matters, having testified before the Senate Banking Committee regarding the mutual fund scandals and as an expert in various Madoff and other litigations. By Associated Press , Wire Service Content Jan. 14, 2020 By Associated Press , …