It is a lot harder to date a superstar or anyone in the circle than any regular guy. I find that Alan’s wife, Sally, must have emotionally withdrawn from the relationship.

In some cases, it is a lot in some cases it is only a bit. Then lavishing that on their children. He gets cruel.

But Chow Yun Fat’s behavior demonstrated that he loved Jasmine and fans were okay with that.Chow was one of the biggest heart throbs in the 1980s, but getting married did not impact his career.That is one way of thinking of it and maybe that is one of the main reasons why he remained secretive about his relationship?? He is very generous with his money too so I wonder why everyone is judging him just because he took a trip to Prague? I however feel that Andy has worked very, very hard over the 30 or so years he has been in the industry. I think Andy is a good person. Haven’t read any bad news about Andy all these times. A little bit of trivial arguments could easily see those gals jumping ship to find love and money security from other guys…..Somehow i think their relationship is not healthy. This is one of the first times I heard of Andy taking a vacation with his family so I do not see what the big deal is. Me thinks Zhu is a woman bossed around by a domineering man.

Although he generated great box office results, his acting was criticized as being unable to break away from typical “Andy Lau” mode for many years.His career choices are safe because he did not wish to risk a carefully constructed image that was bankable.

hahaaAndy does appear to like to be in control.

Honestly do you hear Andy travel for vacation often? Perhaps there is a “quiet strength” and a mentally strong mind in there.We often associate aggression and outspokeness with strength, but going with the flow requires a certain level of adaptability and mental strength as well.Jayne, don;t you feel there is a certain sense of inequality here in this relationship? He mostly travels for work. But that is different than controlling his wife. Hopefully after the birth of their daughter, Andy will lessen his work load and spend more together together with Carol. I will agree that it’s her nature and personality that really help the relationship survive a long distance relationship. But marrying you is my biggest success and my proudest moment.”He added: “My dear wife, I will never forget how you were like when we first met — bubbly and cute. I think that if Andy was really that controlling, wouldn’t he expect her to dress up, wear make up,etc.. so that he would look more like his “wife” and to match his status?? Andy, you can’t fool all of the people. dont v all look sharp when v were 18? Me not get it either. There are many artists that have way less money travel all the time but yet no one says anything. This is another way to protect Carol and her family. Having a rich no-fuss Malaysian girlfriend who does not impose a marriage deadline, complain or jealous is really an answer to Andy’s prayers.Andy is truely lucky to have her by his side throughout the years.

Their so romantically secured relationship surely invites lots of JEaLOUSLY from gals here….I wonder if there is any female here who can tolerate such illegitimate, underground, secret or whatever you call relationship for so long?

What happened at her father’s funeral shows to me she is truly invisible until he had no choice but to acknowledge. Of course Andy is not perfect because who is?? Anyone noticed when they are photographed together, she walks a few steps behind him, face covered, head hung like a huble she dog puppy?. ?I think Carol is a lot more strong and independent than most women can be. Don’t forget your audience is paying you !So if you’re a celebrity, you have to enterrtain others 24/7? I am sorry to say they do not exhibit what is that virtous wife thing but rather in Jackie’s case, probably she decided not to care and be an equal but silent partner, but in Carol’s case, I don’t know, I just feel he is definitely more dominant in every sense in her life.I disagree, simply because Andy would not have the time to be dominant in every sense of her life. What was impressionable was the fact the Italian tour guide was pretty racist, and kept making digs at Asians. Wajar saja kalau kehadiran mereka memecah suasana.

Behind every successful man is a woman.

He said that to his current wife, but luckily she loved him so much and was willing to wait for him and commit to him. He is pretty humble and down to earth about it like Tony and Carina.

Carol in my opinion is a rag door mat. All is well that ends well…andy has accumulated a lot of karma.

She would crumble without the idea of him. Her reputation is derived from his; her success comes from his success; she is who she is because of him. I see her saying yes to anything he says. Why wife always has face down, neck and back lowered, standing behind him with face covered like a old century slave wife with face covered.

There is always one that gives and sacrifices more than the other. Hope have more pic of Carol.