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Seems that I was looking for a join the whole time. Union two tables with different columns names
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So all the retrieve rows (including duplicates) have displayed in the result set. As you can see the execution plans are again identical for these two queries, but this time instead of using a MERGE JOIN, a CONCATENATION and SORT operations are used.
Not sure what platform you are using, but check for support for crosstab/pivot queries.
In the following example, the two queries have been set using two different criteria including WHERE clause. Rename the three columns in Table B with the column names in Table A.If, for some reason, you prefer a Power Query solution: I didn't mention that in each table I have a few more columns that are not relevant to table C (table A - 27 columns in total and table B - 13 columns in total) but the union can work only if the two tables are with the same number of columns, any idea?Also, how do I set which column in table A to join with column in table B?
An alias only exists for the duration of the query.
; Second, the data types of columns must be the same or compatible.
Demo Database.
(they are not in the same order).I see.
Rename the three columns in Table B with the column names in Table A.Great to hear the problem got resolved!
In this SQL UNION example, since the column names are different between the two SELECT statements, it is more advantageous to reference the columns in the ORDER BY clause by their position in the result set. The SQL UNION Operator. Opening_Date = Business_Date. What I could do is I will create a New Sheet in excel, Make the Column headings and paste the relevant columns accordingly.If the data is fetching from Database. In relational algebra (which SQL isn't) the union result might be one row, though only if the two input relations contained an identical tuple, eg.
Here in the above output, the marking rows are non-unique but it has been displayed. You can think of it visually as a rotation of your query recordset by 90 degrees; instead of generating new rows, the engine generates new columns.Pivot query syntax is platform specific in SQL as it is non-standard.
What you can do it, Right Click on the Table --> Edit Query --> Delete the Columns which you don't want. In the following example, no clause have been added with UNION, so, by default UNION is acting as UNION [DISTINCT] and only the unique rows are available in the result set.In the following example, the optional clause ALL have been added with UNION for which, all the rows from each query have been available in the result set.
But as the data type are same for both the columns so, result has displayed.
While the column names don't necessarily have to be the same, you will find that they typically are. So all the retrieved rows ( including duplicates ) have displayed.
In this example, we've sorted the results by supplier_id / company_id in ascending order, as denoted by the ORDER BY 1.
SQL Aliases. Alias Column …
In the following example, the two queries have been set using two different criteria and different columns. ... Pivot query syntax is platform specific in SQL as it is non-standard. Re: Union two tables with different columns names UNION ALL tables with different column names.