Azula grabbed hold of the tray with her teeth, however, causing Zuko to fall over.

After her routine, she watched smugly as Zuko tried to copy her performance, but failed. DiMartino, Michael Dante, Konietzko, Bryan (writers) & Dos Santos, Joaquim (director). Her own mother, Princess Ursa, once remarked, "What is wrong with that child?" When Azulon ordered everyone except Ozai out of the room, Azula grabbed her brother and hid behind the curtains.

Mylastbraincell wrote: ya azula can do lots of damage if shes angry especially to zuko ... She easily dodged their attacks and proceeded to taunt and insult Sokka. The Azula eventually found Zuko and Iroh in a village resort and attempted to capture them both, luring Zuko with the false promise of being accepted home with open arms. His internal struggle with his destiny is a superbshow of our own lives. Approaching the port, Azula addressed her crew. (July 16, 2008). After burning down a few nearby trees and bushes, she stormed off after Zuko.Azula found her brother sitting with Aang at the edge of a cliff discussing the letter questioning his heritage. Her lack of compassion also accounted for her ability to create and direct lightning, the "cold-blooded fire".Ironically, for all her refinement and self-confidence, Azula did retain some insecurity.

"Sozin's Comet, Part 4: Avatar Aang". She taunted him about it until their mother angrily pulled her away for a private talk.Azula was supplied with a Fire Nation royal sloop piloted by a crew, which she used to sail to the last port that Zuko and Iroh had been seen.

Azula's intelligence made her very skillful in manipulating people. Just another goof to add to the list.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.

She later dismissed her uncle as a quitter and a loser when learning he had ended his six hundred day Azula's characteristic blue flames symbolized the power she possessed and constantly sought to increase. [3] At some point in his childhood, Piandao trained him in the dual dao swords. However, her mental instability ultimately proved to have hindered her fighting prowess enough for Azula to finally be defeated by Katara despite at the time being far more powerful than her. Her unstable condition shone through visibly, as Zuko could easily pick up on it, and this was shown further as her apparent madness weakened her fighting abilities for Zuko to decisively overpower her eventually.Due to her mental health, Azula lost her sense of reality, causing her to act recklessly.A year later, a clearly mentally unstable Azula accepted the task of coaxing Ursa's whereabouts out of Ozai from Zuko, stating that not one day had gone by where she had not wondered what became of their mother.Azula subsequently experienced a phase which she later described as finding her "destiny". They were kids who were still developing their personalities and worldviews. Azula snapped out of her hallucination with Katara's hand in her grip; Sokka prepared his boomerang to strike her, but Katara managed to calm the unstable firebender down. 2,709 886. Not long after this, her cousin Lu Ten was killed in battle, prompting Iroh to abandon his … Her outburst prompted Ty Lee to chi block her, rendering her completely immobile. Azula's first reaction to hearing of Iroh's son's death was to wonder whether this now made her father the heir to the throne. When Ursa told her that she would not miss her daughter's coronation, Azula told her not to pretend to act proud, stating that she knew her mother thought she was a monster. As Azula moved to strike her down, she was in turn temporarily paralyzed by Ty Lee.

(October 13, 2006).

In addition, she allowed herself to open up more to others than ever before, describing her new comrades as "sisters" and openly telling Zuko of her schemes. Nov 4, 2017 Ratings: +71,233 / 1,606 / -643. Leavemealoneporfavor colapsando por dentro. This distraction helped allow the Fire Nation to retaliate with full force once they regained control over their bending abilities, causing the invasion to fail.

She ran off toward the Forgetful Valley, calling her brother weak when he begged her to stay so that he could help her, and vanishing from sight.At some point during her exile, Azula came to the conclusion that her destiny was to manipulate Zuko into a Fire Lord who ruled by fear. Mylastbraincell wrote: ya azula can do lots of damage if shes angry especially to zuko ... Upon Fire Lord Ozai's orders, she begins a … When Zuko fled in fear of the Fire Lord's anger, Azula stayed behind to watch with amusement. During the two-part episode "The Day of Black Sun", Aang assembles an elite invasion force and attacks the capital, taking advantage of a solar eclipse that renders the firebenders powerless. The brief Agni Kai ended with Azula pinning Zuko to the ground and raising a fire-dagger over his face, claiming this was how it had always been between them. Click to expand... Ohhh, I get it now. "Appa's Lost Days". However, Azula lies to Ozai by claiming that Zuko killed Aang, as she has a hunch that Aang survived and knows that all the blame would now fall on Zuko if this were true. To his surprise, Azula released him and said that she had not only accepted it but As Zuko addressed his subjects, Azula and her comrades, all still masquerading as the Kemurikage, watched his speech from a nearby rooftop. Frustrated, she shot fire blasts at him and a duel broke out.

They resurface under the guise of kemurikage (dark spirits).Azula appears in the critically panned live action feature film Konietzko notes that Azula's design when compared to other main characters "Although Azula's age is never stated in the series itself, the Azula is a firebending prodigy and a dedicated perfectionist.Psychological analyses estimate Azula as being highly intelligent,From a young age, Azula had a cruel, sociopathic personality, showing almost no empathy or remorse for actions that harmed others both physically and emotionally.