I’m glad this author had the guts to share stories of mistakes made.

2 Florida Cooters and 2 red eared sliders. Therefore, if you are not ready for such a commitment, please think twice before you get a tort.These cute animals are not at all easy to deal with.

Probably it won`t be a good idea to get any pet now, I`ll have to watch animal programmes on tv instead!While there is underlying truth in this article, it is WILDLY EXAGGERATED! Red-eared Sliders are very active and love to swim. My son and I captured a nickel-sized hatchling painter this year, and held onto it for a day. it takes time, handling a trust building. They feel like round stones with arms and legs. is a licensed insurance producer, not an insurer, and a wholly owned subsidiary of Petco Animal Supplies, Inc. I kept two of the turtles because their injuries were too serious to release them within the acceptable window of time for them to reclaim their territory. You are doing yourself, and particularly the animal, a disservice to rush into a decision to get a pet like this without asking hundreds of questions and spending many, many hours reading and researching what to expect. Just because they have a shell does not make them indestructible.If I have exposed myself to ridicule here so be it. Buy em from breeders to prevent getting wild-caught ones6. And compare to this article, Margie can recognize each one of us, and I got 5 siblings, plus my parents, nana and other relatives not to menotion my bro and sis kids. I made her cozies. Educate yourself before writing articles.I have a two year old baby tortoise. Taking care of a turtle is difficult, as I am guilty of neglecting my turtle and desiring a pet with warmth and empathy.This article should be accepted because it is the truth: I am not sure how much I spend on my turtle every week but food itself costs 10-15$ because it has a mixture (which I must buy at least twice a month). Before deciding your turtle is dead, you need the advice of an experienced reptile vet.Reason: Practically every comment (Read if you want just trying to save you time)Copyright © 2020 HubPages Inc. and respective owners. Reptile rescues are another good connection. It isn’t even difficult to find them.8. Turtles are social animals and can be kept together as long as you provide enough space in their habitat. Can't have cat or dog. It was the best purchase I have made in my life. Bob does take some time for care. Anyone who cares about their pet does not assume that they know everything and are constantly trying to find ways to improve their animal’s existence.5.

Throwing a tortoise out there to live in some enclosure with no bottom or roof is a death sentence. Never write nor buy a pet again you absolute CRETIN!!!!!!!!

Your facts are mostly based on old rumors.

Now he is about 3 lbs and the size of a small dinner plate.

While they are mostly aquatic, these diurnal turtles also enjoy a dry, warm place where they can climb out and bask under a heat light. Face it, no one likes to eat the same thing every day. The tortoise perished a few days later.This is maybe the worst reason to buy a turtle or tortoise.

I liked that this article brought up the fact that turtles are one of the most abandoned pets, because it is completely true. Selection varies by store. !Senior citizen, alone would like a pet. At first they always try to escape, and they don't measure vertical distance well, so don't let them fall off something. I guess she didn't like living with me but I miss her. I am also a college student so that leaves me little time to take care of her. Reasonable, babies are indeed hard to take care of. The ‘basking bulbs’ sold at pet stores for around $10-20 don't produce UV-B.For a turtle (being the messy creatures they are), you need a filter rated for twice the tank size (regardless of where the water level is). Otherwise after a few years, they will pretty much sign you what they want. Your lack of differentiation between tortoise and turtle care is also quite misleading. No animal is completely “clean”. HubPagesCopyright © 2020 HubPages Inc. and respective owners.As a user in the EEA, your approval is needed on a few things. I'd get two or more if I had the space and the time, but as for now, I don't.You CAN have a turtle. I still cannot believe that you disgregarded a bet or of pure... laziness? Leave these vulnerable creatures out of it.Turtles are the most abandoned pet in the United States (probably because of the reasons I've outlined above). i think this article is completely false and somebody felt like writing a bad review and they posted it so people think a tortoise or a turtle is bad news.

Read the next reason to find out why!In a well-meaning attempt at giving my now-deceased Red Foot tortoise some more room to roam, I let him amble through my former Chicago apartment.He disappeared! We’ve all made mistakes, and I feel this was written to PREVENT more in the future.