We're gonna be fine," he said in a calm, reassuring voice. Taking care of Cait was a piece of cake. "Go to the seminar with me. she asked in a light tone. "As if Raylan had flipped a switch, Winona vehemently began to shake her head. The FX drama on Tuesday night wrapped its six-season run with, of course, much gunplay, a couple more deathsIn summary: Desperate to get his dollars back, Markham took Ava hostage, until Boyd came in guns a-blazing, felling the venerable player. The FX drama on Tuesday night wrapped its six-season run with, of course, much gunplay, a couple moreā€¦ 'Disclaimer: It's 'Justified' hiatus time, and I'm bored. She spontaneously steals an old $100 bill from the evidence locker in the US Marshal's Office. "This isn't going to work." ""I'm down here in the restaurant having a second beer with a fish taco," Winona happily reported.Drinking was not something she could easily do while breast feeding or pumping, not without timing it out just so. ""Are you telling her stories?" That set the stage for a Boyd/Raylan face-off, but the former knew better than to draw a (lent!) ""Well, I'm gonna let you go," she said. ""You know I would," he smiled his most charming Raylan smile.Although they weren't a couple anymore, they were raising a child together.

And it all goes bad? Though Willa cries through much of their time together ... Winona and Raylan come to a relatively healthy ... but the odds certainly favor the man with the hat and the woman without enough sleep. Rating: T for language (but no worse than the show)Summary: Raylan is a new dad. "Should you change your mind? I mean, I was kinda sad about it cos of all the women Raylan was with, they had the most chemistry and you could really see why the married. What do you think of that?If you had any smarts in that head of yours, you would get in your car right now, and you'd start driving, and you wouldn't stop until you saw the Everglades.Well, he's at Audry's, handing out oxycontin like he's a pharmaceutical rep.Hey, why don't you two kiss a little more so I can watch.Well, I always figured you for a special kind of idiot, Dewey Crowe, but what you have done in the past 12 hours is light years beyond any stupidity even I thought you were capable of.And I assume you were gonna tell me just as soon as you finished up here.Are you worried about looking like less than a man, 'cause I believe that ship has already sailed.You gonna stop shooting for a minute and let me get a word in? he asked, thinking maybe it was just gas.That's what he'd been told by Winona and her sister for the past month ... that all her little "Awww. Promise me you won't tell her the gruesome ones. Raylan unexpectedly got the showdown he was looking for when Boon aimed to prove himself the quickest gun in the South, only to wind up about a half-inch to the left.Ava then made her getaway, and got away she did. "I know you are because that's what you do. Takes place sometime after the end of Season 3. he asked, as he reached over to grab the remote control from the end table. ""I promise," he said. "As much as Raylan wanted to tell Winona to put another buck in the "Good answer." She convinces Raylan to help her return the money without alerting the authorities. His response was to turn on his heel, so that the baby was well out of Winona's reach. Raylan's anger-management problems, and the fear of being the widow of a dead US Marshal, drove Winona to divorce Raylan and marry their realtor, Winona moved back to Kentucky after her mother fell ill. She worked as a court stenographer at the Lexington Federal Courthouse, which would cause her to be reunited with Raylan. "Raylan took a good look at her. But more realistically, Raylan was impossible to be with and I guess in the end couldn't change that much and for all Winona said about accepting him, I don't think many people really could.