
Winn Schott : Yeah, yeah, but it-it's like if you can go fast enough, then it's possible to open, like, a breach, and then travel between worlds. She additionally made sure Siobhan would never get any work with Daily Planet either. Siobhan reveals that she managed to get footage of Supergirl letting the K'hund escape. [patting his shoulder, then noticing his reaction] 
I can fix that." [surprised] 

Later, Kara thanks Cat for the opportunity to work with her and resigns, explaining that Cat's suspicions make it impossible for her to do her job. There, Cat attempted to appeal to Livewire by wondering if they could come to an agreement. She might be the only person to discern the Flash's secret identity right off the bat. She works at the Planet as a reporter alongside Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Perry White, Jimmy Olsen, Steve Lombard and Ron Troupe. When Cat learns about Siobhan's treachery, she fires Siobhan on the spot. The Big Bang Theory's Jim Parsons Explains Why It Was Time For Him To Leave The Show Amazing Race & Top Chef superfan with a pinch of Disney fairy dust thrown in. As soon as is ready to leave, so is The Flash. Captain Singh knows Barry’s The Flash has known for awhile but doesn’t say anything. Kara later flew to CatCo and tells Cat she's no longer interested in being a hero.

Later, as Supergirl, Kara offers to apologize to Cat, but Cat tells her that she needs to win back National City's trust first.Cat was still shocked that National City had not yet forgiven Supergirl, but knew it would take time.
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Posted by 6 days ago. Turning to Kara, Cat raised an eyebrow, "You only trust my executive assistant to be a superhero who can lift a mountain?" As she prepared to write an exposé on Supergirl, Cat ordered Kara to give her "bulletproof coffee" every hour to help her stay focused. A blonde woman appears on all of the screens calling herself Cat appears on "The Talk" to discuss her relationship with Supergirl and goes out of her way to praise her. The next day, Kara arrives at the office in Cat's elevator, which shocks Winn, but Cat brushes it off. She was shocked at the changes he made to it and felt that she would have to burn sage to get rid of the smell of sweat. The trio then went to Cat's original broadcasting station, though Supergirl was confronted by a Myriad-controlled Cat is present when Supergirl gives her speech, ceasing Myriad's control over the people of National City. Cat was awarded the Siegel Prize for Women in Media, but initially decided to cancel on attending the award ceremony in After Leslie was rendered comatose in a lightning storm accident, Cat paid her hospital bills at That night on Thanksgiving Day, Cat had a conference call with Shortly after, Cat met with Supergirl on the balcony. She began ordering her employees to obtain exclusive content on the savior for the A week later, Cat came into work slightly hungover after having breakfast with The following day, Cat discussed with James the possibility of an interview with Supergirl, pointing out there was a definitive connection between her and Superman. However, Kara was attacked by the Cat asked everyone in for a conference call. [once The Flash is revealed to be in National City]  Explains Why Burr Is The Narrator