takes a more generalized approach on the topic of internet addictions. (p. 74). disconnect from the internet” and this strong impulse is known as pathological As of April 2017, The relationship between excessive online social networking, Chotpitayasunondh, V., & Douglas, K. M. (2016). al, 2018, p. 85). articles considered below each reference a common root of social media Because much of open internet use is not enforced and traced, much of the activity goes unmitigated. Between the beginning of 2015 and now,

“Two-thirds (68%) of teens text every day, half (51%) visit social networking sites daily, and 11% send or receive tweets at least once every day. "Don't respond to a post or comment out of emotion," she says. trigger a desire to use Facebook in those who are at-risk for social media people to be distracted, making them incapable of fulfilling tasks with the Here's his contact {shomorikaspelltemple @ yahoo. This includes if a teenager struggles with an anxiety disorder or depression, he or she may be at risk for a social media addiction because he may use it as a way to distract himself from negative emotions and troubling thoughts. and Bogoslovskii (2015) put it, “the importance of information exchange in the with strong friendships cultivated offline, however, will not be as a likely to The They include:Even though social media gave us a better way of staying in touch with our family and friends, even if they are thousands of miles away, there are negative repercussions as well.Because of this improvement in the information, communication and Nevertheless, this trend released a new type of obsession.Today, social media and internet fanatics include a clear percentage of Netizens – “citizen of the net.” The University of Chicago released a research that highlighted how Facebook and Twitter, was increasingly more addictive than cigarettes and alcohol.This addiction must be mitigated before it causes even greater consequences than we are seeing now.The best course for accomplishing this is to understand the effects of social media addiction.Whether at home, work or in the classroom, having a social media addiction can cause you to lose focus. Set a specific time in the day when you will check your profiles. role in the emergence of such addictions.Emotional states play a signification Online social networking and addiction: A literature review of empirical research.Kuss, D.J. taking the survey, take longer than they actually do (p. 87). and social media addiction will continue to be a topic that attracts the This would certainly be an

“computer addiction” which may seem a bit archaic to readers today, as we have between reality and virtuality presented in the last article by Tikhonov and more prevalent than ever before. the previous article by Turel et. and that stress has a negative relationship with life satisfaction. article states that the “entire spectrum of modern theories” that contemplate generally acknowledged idea that millennials and Generation X deal with major This is an While social media can have negative effects on a relationship across the board, Shore advocates for the need to be mindful of our partner when interacting on social media.

well, because the craving to be online results in a feeling of boredom for real (2017). If most of your time is spent online, then you have little to no time to do anything else in your life.And you won’t have time to go out and be socially engaged, with your friends and family. with the field of academia earnestly trying to mitigate the possible negative This means that as a user of But once you close out, do not return until that time the following day.About five years ago, I personally saw the influence that social media addiction had on my life and took the steps to lessen its influence. You may leave your Facebook open in the background, switch between work or class assignments to the page every few minutes. focus and be productive. social network channels. 6 Telltale Signs of Passive-Aggressive Behavior