Metcalfe’s Law provides a simple method of estimating network values.A network most formally means a physical communications network.But the same basic principles also apply to informal networks, including word of mouth, and all permutations and combinations of physical and person-to-person networks.“Value” is defined as that which is desirable and useful to humanity. The law has often been illustrated using the example of In addition to the difficulty of quantifying the "value" of a network, the mathematical justification for Metcalfe's law measures only the Metcalfe’s law assumes that the value of each node n is of equal benefit.Within the context of social networks, many, including Metcalfe himself, have proposed modified models in which the value of the network grows as Despite many arguments about Metcalfe' law, no real data based evidence for or against was available for more than 30 years. More connectivity, via more followers and friends, gives more connectivity.Our Western governments have imprisoned Julian Assange, effectively cancelling him, and his news agency, Wiki-leaks, for whistle-blowing.Imagine the connectivity lost there, and the subsequent reduction of internet value to humanity.The Chinese government has a firewall around China’s internet, effectively carving the internet into two pieces, one for the people of China, as far as they can see, cancelling the rest of the world.Again, we see a huge reduction in the value of the internet, for all humanity.The US government appears to be trying to cancel Tik-Tok, the Chinese meme platform, which connects millions of younger users around the world, who communicate by the new media form of memes, which ironically, many of us adults seem unable to decode.Again, we see more reduction of internet value for humanity.All have policies by which wholesale cancelling of people, both influential and otherwise are carried out.Again, we see more reduction of internet value for humanity.In general, most governments and big businesses around the world appear driven to cancel various parts of the internet, if the messages of those do not agree with their narratives.In truth, we hear the stories our governments would prefer us not to be told, via the plethora of alternative, non-mainstream media sources enabled by the internet.The internet itself, despite being something created in the interests of what was arguably the They are finding it more and more difficult to pull the wool over our eyes, in such a way as may have been done to mobilise us to war, previously.Evidently, they would like to see it cancelled, this, the most valuable tool our species has ever had.We have to ask, do they really work in our interests?
Metcalfe explained that whilst the cost of the network was directly proportional to the number of cards, the value of the network was proportional to the square of the number of users. Metcalfe’s Law was conceived by George Gilder but is attributed to Robert Metcalfe, co-inventor of Ethernet (1980). Metcalfe's law characterizes many of the network effects of communication technologies and networks such as the Internet, social networking and the World Wide Web. It is essential that they value their enterprises correctly—neither overvaluing the business of providing content nor overvaluing, as Metcalfe’s Law does, the business of providing connectivity. Former Chairman of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission Reed Hundt said that this law gives the most understanding to the workings of the Internet. June 22, 2018. The theory dates back to 1965 yet has been proved correct for five decades. Metcalfe's Law is related to the fact that the number of unique possible connections in a network of $${\displaystyle n}$$ nodes can be expressed mathematically as the triangular number $${\displaystyle n(n-1)/2}$$, which is asymptotically proportional to $${\displaystyle n^{2}}$$. It speaks to both the growth in the number of connections as well as the value. Metcalfe’s law states that the value of a telecommunications network is proportional to the square of the number of connected users of the system (n2). Metcalfe’s Law Or in other words, the value was due to the connectivity between users, enabling them to work together and achieve more than they could alone. A single phone really just being an end point in a network called a node. Network effects drive over 70% of the value of technology-based companies … time to make Metcalfe’s Law work for you! Only in July 2013, Dutch researchers managed to analyze European Internet usage patterns over a long enough time and found In 2015, Zhang, Liu and Xu extend Metcalfe's results utilizing data from B. Briscoe, A. Odlyzko, and B. Tilly, Metcalfe’s law is wrong, Assange Connectivity can be defined in terms of influential individuals. We all know about Moore’s Law.. Also called law of telecosm, it was proposed by Robert C. Metcalfe… Metcalfe’s Law was defined when the main goal was being able to access other nodes, for general communications, either an email or a transaction.
By Metcalfe’s law, that will reduce the value of the internet, not only to us in the US and UK, but to all of humanity.

Thus, the ratio of value to cost of adding one more network user grows disproportionately as the network grows larger. A phone network is a perfect example to illustrate Metcalfe’s Law.