We now look at the second horse and its rider among “the four horses of the apocalypse”. The lion is a royal and kingly symbol and represents the fact that Jesus is "King of kings and Lord of lords" (Revelation 19:6).. 2 First Rider —on White Horse.

I saw by night, and behold a man riding upon a red horse, and he stood among the myrtle trees that were in the bottom; and behind him were there red horses, speckled, and white. The use of the word “another” instead of “I saw” may seem very trivial and unimportant to the average reader; but I believe in THE VERBAL INSPIRATION OF THE BIBLE.

Revelation 6:3-4 . This is the red horse whose rider has a sword. you ask.

These wars spawned the development and use of chemical, biological, and radioactive weapons of mass destruction, in which a suitcase-sized device has the potential to snuff out the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in one blast.

The rider with bow and crown represents the rule of kings and lords on earth, such as the Roman Caesars. But once “peace” is attained, the attractive mask will be removed to reveal a hideous beast of a system that will tear and destroy any opposition to its rule and authority. In addition, history will view the twentieth century as the period in which terrorism became commonplace.That time also engendered the ultimate arms race that began with the tank and the airplane in the First World War, through the submarine and jet in the Second World War, and culminated with the intercontinental ballistic missile, mutually assured nuclear destruction, and the threat of space-based weapons during the Cold War. Nations surrender their sovereignty and the world worships this “beast,” asking, “Who is able to make war with [the beast]?” (To enforce this type of “peace,” this system has authority “over every tribe, tongue and nation”—a worldwide power (Revelation 17 describes this “beast” receiving power from 10 “kings”—leaders of nations or groups of nations allied together to support this system and its human leader. For the Lord has a sacrifice in Bozrah, and a great slaughter in the land of Even to His own people, if they do not obey Him, God promises, "I will bring a sword against you that will execute the vengeance of My covenant" (As if there never was any intent to obscure the meaning of this figure, John's description of the red horse says matter-of-factly, "And it was granted to the one who sat on it to take peace from the earth, and that people should kill one another" (Of course, this parallels the second point in Jesus' Olivet Prophecy in His comments specify wars between nations and kingdoms, but John's description in Revelation 6 expands this out to "people . Strong warriors would swing it while on horseback to kill foot soldiers.The first paragraph is a summary explanation of verses 3 and 4.

The red horse could have appeared 3 ½ years after the white horse.For me to dogmatically set a period of time in which the rider of the white horse rode with a bow but no arrow, conquering without blood, is impossible.

In a comprehensive look at the subject, author Gwynne Dyer made this chilling, sober and almost hopeless observation: This bleak prospect has led many to conclude that a supranational world government is the only hope for universal peace. Thus, the second seal also covers rising violent crime, gang activity, mob hits, assassinations, family feuds of the Hatfield-McCoy variety, and personal disputes that turn violent.In saying "wars and rumors of wars," Jesus seems to be saying that some wars will be threatened yet not fought. Immediately after the white horse went forth, here comes the red horse of war on the earth. There will be a time of wholesale slaughter.

Proudly created with Here, in God’s message of hope, appears a fifth horseman whose ride will be decisive and final. Keep in mind that the Restrainer, the Holy Spirit, is at that time taken from the earth, so that slaughter is infused into men by satanic power: “For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. However, the nuclear genie has not been put back into its bottle. Following the Protestant Reformation, the resultant shift in power among European states led to 30 years of carnage from 1618 to 1648.Religion, the newly emerged Protestant versus Roman Catholic theology, was the ideology that fueled the winds of war. The rider on the red horse Revelation 6:3-4. Regrettably, war is a natural, human activity, so an abundance of war and violence is not by itself a definitive sign of the end. Russia is likewise waging off-and-on battles with similar groups along its southern border. Brother will fight against brother, neighbor against neighbor, city will rise against city, and kingdom against kingdom (Isaiah 19:2). The bow symbolises conquering and the … The next horse, a fiery red one, takes peace from the Earth (Revelation 6:4).

A study was conducted some years ago, which shows that there have been very few years where there was world-wide peace; “peace on earth.” The first conclusion of the study was that wars would cease if the will to make them cease were there.
3 When he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” 4 And out came another horse, bright red. The grim reality is that it simply shifted the power into the hands of more players—some of whom view themselves as having nothing to lose by unleashing such weapons against the West.Those who study war understand the persistent danger. But it was not to be.The war to end all wars is coming, but it will follow a time of global conflict and turmoil unlike anything ever seen (We saw that the first of the four horsemen of Revelation 6 represents a massive Satan-inspired religious deception.

Symbols of War The second horseman is perhaps the most easily identifiable of the famed Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse , since both of its symbols, the fiery red color and the great sword, are well known to represent war.