"Vegeta considered it for a long time before finally giving the smallest of nods, making his mother beam proudly. "Well then, I think that's settled then. "If you're serious about him getting some training you could send him over on Sunday, that's when I do most of Goku's. Vegeta Jr. shows this ability in the World Martial Arts Tournament when he fights Goku Jr. "Well Vegeta, would you like to go? I just had to post this. Pan didn't know whether to be amused or disappointed by how the tournament had turned out. Super Saiyan Vegeta Jr.Vegeta Jr. uses this form against Goku Jr. in the World Martial Arts Tournament. "Your grandson was amazing. he asked, clearly excited, bouncing on the balls of his feet. Even Goku had not been born with a tail.Teddy laughed and knelt to give the boy a hug. Goku asked pleadingly.Teddy smiled, but Pan could see a flicker of uncertainty there as she turned to her son. Super Saiyan Vegeta Jr. same as Vegeta does when he goes Super Saiyan, his hair not changing shape, but the color going blond and having a more pronounced aura, as well as his eyes turning blue-green.

Teddy smiled. "Pan shook her head at her grandson's exuberance. Favorite : But he's a fast learner, he can copy moves like nothing I've ever seen."

Photo of Vegeta Jr's Mother for fans of Dragon Ball Females 36495233 Pan settled for just grinning and went to pick Goku up from the changing rooms.She was joined soon after by Vegeta's mother.

"I was wondering if maybe you could come train with me sometime. "I think you might need to ask Vegeta's mother and Vegeta before you decide these things." The woman that looked so much like Bulma grinned.

Vegeta Jr. is introduced in the last episode of Dragon Ball GT as Goku Jr's opponent in the World Martial Arts Tournament. "Pan glanced at the taller woman, trying to gauge how serious she was. "My husband… well, my ex-husband took him for a few lessons here and there, but what he knows he's mostly picked up from watching some old footage I managed to dig up on his great, great, great grandfather. Wow, there's a LOT of people who don't seem to know what they are talking about in here when it comes to Vegeta Jr. People, just so you know, Vegeta is NOT the father of Vegeta Jr. "Of course I saw you." Pan blinked to clear her vision before finally admitting that yes, the boy did in fact have a tail. "Can Vegeta come over to my house to play, and train, and eat dinner Missus Vegeta's mom?" "I told you that you would do well, didn't I?" She told him. He was named Vegeta Jr. because he thought that it would be cute. The result of their match is never revealed, but both are seen to have the ability to become Super Saiyans, despite the claim that no one with less than a quarter-Saiyan heritage can achieve the form. Please forgive the liberties I have taken with the characters of Vegeta jr and his mother. Vegeta asked crossing his arms, projecting a look of confidence Pan could now see was mostly put on. "Teddy shrugged. He also strongly resembles Vegeta, down to his upright standing hairstyle and widow's peak. "It was good meeting you Son-san. I never even bothered to introduce myself. The amusement came from watching the other competitor, Vegeta as he tried to look like he had expected the victory all along and trying to restrain the urge to fly into the stands to where his mother stood, whooping and yelling like a woman possessed. Grandma Pan won't mind.

"And he's really good at fighting, and maybe he could stay for dinner and we could play some video games!" Will you Grandma?" Your review has been posted.
I have an idea for how young Vegeta would be. "He'll be ten in two months, he refuses to let me say he's nine anymore." "What age is he?" Although he is not shown using this, there is no seeing why does not know how to use it. Even though Vegeta Jr. is only seen for a moment in the series, his personality is seen to be reminicent of his ancestor Vegeta (though perhaps more carefree, judging from his "Hey, that's pretty cool" reaction to Goku Jr's Super Saiyan transformation). "Did you see me Mom?" Pan asked, suddenly very curious about this child. Goku enthused, oblivious as always to the way Vegeta seemed to waiting for harsher words or actions to his victory. ""That was a great match." Nobody knows who Goku jr's parents are but his grandma is pan. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Vegeta Jr. was a Saibamen grown on Earth by Nappa to fight and kill the Z-Fighters.

Goku turned his pleading eyes to her. At the very least, Vegeta Jr. is the great-grandson of Vegeta.
"Pan considered the two for a moment. Goku turned to Vegeta. Since Vegeta Jr. is a DBGT creation, some would even debate whether he's canon, but let's not go there. This is because when Goku Jr turned Super Saiyan in Hero's Legacy, he immediatley mastered the technique & since Vegeta Jr can also turn Super Saiyan, then there is no seeing that can't use it either.