Note that the lack of this input data had a minimal impact on brightness temperatures over the ocean.On 2018-12-31, data files from 2019-01-01 to present experienced no science change. For an explanation of terminology and version naming conventions, refer to the On 2019-02-07, data files from 2018-12-22 to 2019-01-22 were reprocessed to include input sea surface temperature ancillary data that were inaccessible during the US government shutdown.

In this map created with SMAP data from May 16-May 18, 2018, soils that are wetter than normal are seen in greens, while those that are drier than normal are seen in browns. Specific changes include:Major versions indicate the Series- or Collection-level major version of SMAP data products. The following table describes the validation stages.All dates on this page are listed as four-digit year followed by two-digit month and two-digit day, such as 2015-12-31.Times are listed as two-digit hour followed by two-digit minute , such as 17:24. SMAP measures the amount of water in the top 5 cm (2 inches) of soil everywhere on the Earth’s surface every three days. Files are named according to the following convention, with the CRID shown in bold:SMAP_L1A_RADIOMETER_[Orbit#]_[A/D]_yyyymmddThhmmss_SMAP Level-4 data file names include a Science Version ID that, like the Composite Release ID for Level-1 through -3 data, represents changes to any data processing condition that might impact SMAP product results.Files are named similar to the following convention, with the Science Version ID shown in bold:Additionally, a stage (1, 2, or 3) may be appended to Validated product maturity codes. CRID incremented to coincide with an update to the radiometer reflector ancillary file for January and February 2018.Frozen ground flag updated to reflect improved freeze/thaw detection algorithm, providing better accuracy; new results are captured in bit 7 of the This version incorporates a radar calibration update to process data for 13-23 April 2015.This version incorporates a radar calibration update to process data for 13-23 April 2015.This version incorporates a radar calibration update to process data for 13-23 April 2015.No science change. The SMAP SSS V4.0 validated release contains 4 products: Level 2C swath data; Level 3 8-day running averages; Level 3 monthly averages With data from NASA's Soil Moisture Active Passive satellite, researchers can monitor the amount of water in soils to identify areas prone to droughts or floods. Times are in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), which is also known as

CRID incremented to coincide with an update to the radiometer reflector ancillary file for January through December 2019.No science change. Note that the lack of this input data had a minimal impact on brightness temperatures over the ocean.On 2018-12-31, data files from 2019-01-01 to present experienced no science change. CRID incremented to coincide with the release of SPL2SMP V6, SPL2SMP_E V3, SPL3SMP V6, and SPL3SMP_E V3.No science change. CRID incremented to coincide with the release of SPL2SMP V6, SPL2SMP_E V3, SPL3SMP V6, and SPL3SMP_E V3.Input data source changed from SPL1CTB V1 Beta data to SPL1CTB V2 Validated-Stage 1 data.Input data source changed from SPL1CTB V1 Beta data to SPL1CTB V2 Validated-Stage 1 data.No science change. CRID incremented to coincide with an update to the radiometer reflector ancillary file for January and February 2018.On 2019-02-07, data files from 2018-12-22 to 2019-01-22 were reprocessed to include input sea surface temperature ancillary data that were inaccessible during the US government shutdown.

on Atlas V Pierces into Vandenberg Fog on first West Coast Interplanetary Mission on Chinese Long March 3B Launches APStar-6C Communications Satellite on Blue Origin’s New Shepard Reaches new Heights in latest Test Flight on Russia gives up on Silent AngoSat-1, Promises Replacement Satellite to Angola on Chinese Long March 3B Launches APStar-6C Communications Satellite on Chinese Long March 11 Launches Five Video & Hyperspectral Satellites for Zhuhai Constellation on Sentinel-3B Land & Ocean-Sensing Satellite Delivered to Orbit by Russian Rockot Booster on Falcon 9 Lifts TESS Exoplanet Hunter to Survey Earth’s Cosmic Neighborhood for Habitable WorldsWe use Cookies to ensure users receive the best possible experience viewing our website. The antenna is the ‘eye’ of the instrument. Note that Version 4 is slightly better than Version 3 in RMSE terms, with improvement generally larger for drier sites. SMAP Level-4 (L4) surface and root zone soil moisture data are provided in three products: * SMAP L4 Global 3-hourly 9 km EASE-Grid Surface and Root Zone Soil Moisture Geophysical Data (SPL4SMGP, DOI: 10.5067/KPJNN2GI1DQR) * SMAP L4 Global 3-hourly 9 km EASE-Grid Surface and Root Zone Soil Moisture Analysis Update (SPL4SMAU, DOI: 10.5067/60HB8VIP2T8W) * SMAP L4 … The task team is in communication with the satellite and working to restore normal operations. Note that the lack of this input data had a minimal impact on brightness temperatures over the ocean.On 2018-12-31, data files from 2019-01-01 to present experienced no science change. These data will be used to further understanding of processes that link the … SMAP instrument operations sometimes result in problematic or missing data. In addition, /Metadata/GridSpatialRepresentation and /Metadata/Extent structures modified to include definitions for both Polar and Global grid metadata parameters.No science change.