Alexandria was a great center of this sectarian conflict.

For this you will be given a double reward: one reward for giving up disbelief and turning to Islam, and the second reward for believing sincerely in Islam and remaining steadfast to it.

Surely Allah is Strong, Mighty.The word bayyinat means ‘clear’ or ‘evident’ things. This is example of mankind in this life.

Those who sacrifice their lives and expend their wealth to further promote the cause of Islam when it is already strong cannot attain to the rank of those who struggled with their lives and their wealth to promote and uphold the cause of Islam when it was weak.Whatever is spent for the cause of the Truth is a loan on Allah, and Allah will not only return it increasing it manifold but will also give from Himself the best reward for it.In the Hereafter the Light shall be bestowed only on those believers who would have spent their wealth in the cause of Allah.

Al-A`mash narrated from Abu Ad-Duha from Masruq from `Abdullah bin Mas`ud commented on Allah’s statement,(they are the Siddiqun, and the martyrs with their Lord.) If your heart is beating, if your lungs are breathing, if yow hearing and yow sight are functioning, it is only because all parts of yow body are working under Allah’s rule. It is a site of international significance that offers an important opportunity to increase our knowledge of industrial activity, trade, and everyday life in Iron Age Arabia.The site has produced extensive evidence of the working of copper alloys, gold and iron. (Page of tag Saruq Al Hadid) Ruthlessness in this matter is piety itself.

Some commentators have taken this pledge to imply the pledge of service to Allah, which had been taken at the beginning of creation from the future offspring of Adam (peace be upon him), and some others take it for the pledge with which man has been naturally endowed to serve and obey Allah.

Similarly, some characteristics of the blessed Companions ؓ of the Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ are given in Surah Al-Fath, one of which is رُ‌حَمَاءُ بَيْنَهُمْ (…compassionate among themselves….48:29).

Others have explained that there are two requirements of tenderness and mercy.

[57:4] He is the One who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then He positioned Himself on the Throne.

Recently excavated objects are also exhibited in a changing display in the museum.

It runs from October 2020 to April 2021.It will be held at Dubai Trade Centre-Jebel Ali, a 438-hectare (4.38-million sqm, or 1,080 acres) site equidistant from the centres of Abu Dhabi and Dubai.The Expo 2020 site, equidistant from the centres of both Abu Dhabi and Dubai, will be serviced by the Dubai Metro.The emirate won the bid to host the event in November 2013.As of April 2019, 192 countries have confirmed to join the Expo 2020 in Dubai.We’ll send you latest news updates through the day. (Ibn Abi Hatim). In this stage of life, they look youthful and handsome.

BCE (Before Common Era) and BC (Before Christ) mean the same thing — previous to year 1 CE (Common Era). Here sabbaha has been used in the past tense; at other places yusabbihu has been used which includes both the present and the future tenses.

Look, the remainder of them are found in the monasteries and churches. One day you will leave it behind; then Allah alone will inherit it. The word is derived from sidq, therefore, sadaqat (sincerity) is of its essence. The Christian Church in the beginning experienced some confusion in connection with monasticism, for although it recognized abandonment of the world, celibacy and voluntary poverty as an ideal of spiritual life, yet it could not declare marriage, producing children and possessing property or money to be sinful as the monks did.

Seldom in the Quran has Allah’s attribute of Aziz (All-Mighty) been accompanied by His attributes of being Qawi (Strong), Muqtadir (Powerful), Jabber (Omnipotent), Dhuntiqam (Avenger) and the like, which only signify His absolute power, and this has been so only in places where the context demanded that the wicked and disobedient be warned of Allah’s relentless punishment. There is proof for this opinion found in a Hadith from Anas, collected by Imam Ahmad.