For me, this meant timely and frequent feedback on their writing, digital office hours via Google Meet, staying “after class” on Blackboard Collaborate for students to ask additional questions, and even answering emails at obscure times (oh, the joys of a newborn’s sleep schedule!

For many teachers, this will be the first time that they won’t be meeting their students in person on the first day of school — they’ll be forging bonds with students online and will have to maintain those relationships through the school year, or at least the foreseeable future.

Find strategies for connecting with students and their families, building key relationship-sustaining skills into your classroom culture, and reflecting on your own practice in ways that reconnect with this fundamental R of teaching. And perhaps let them in on why you’re sipping a third cup of coffee at 10 a.m. There’s only one thing worse for your sleep than an all-nighter, and that’s a teething toddler. When Karen won her award, I thought, 'Wow. Let students know you are not only part of their learning journey, but are a resource beyond the camera or microphone. Intentionally connecting with students may require extra effort in the virtual classroom, but it is worthwhile. I am hopeful that you have had this kind of year as well.

Educators will explore formal and Even if you are … Without the usual physical and verbal cues that come […] It was more important to me that everyone felt comfortable with the platform before the learning began.If students aren’t worrying about being judged, they will be more likely to participate and share their ideas. We value your privacy and will never sell your information.Choose from 280+ online, self-paced continuing education courses for teacher salary advancement and recertification. most comprehensive way.Upon completion of this micro

In my mind, I can still see the article and photo in the newspaper about Karen Lukens, the recipient from my school district.

He sent them direct text messages and encouraged them to share and re-share their experiences on social media.“It creates that hype when kids see their friends posting something like that,” Mark says.

This one-on-one time might be great for some students with hectic personal lives, and it could even be beneficial to let students turn off the webcams and microphones if that makes them feel more comfortable.Michelle Peck Williams, a history and current events teacher in Kentucky, found that quieter students shined when classes moved from video to the chat tool. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Ignoring this initial defiance and then providing positive encouragement after the child complies is a much more effective way of dealing with this behavior than escalating the situation.

Research shows that close relationships formed in early childhood can positively impact children’s academic and social-emotional skills while conflictual relationships can have a detrimental impact on the child’s well-being and development. I used Flipgrid for reader responses, as well as peer revision for writing. Most teachers would love to spend more time building relationships with their students, but obstacles like time, the curriculum, and planning all get in the way. He plans to keep using Prezi Video when his school returns to campus.The best thing to do when students are in high school is to be honest about what’s going on. In those moments, my students saw me as an individual, not a curriculum writer floating through cyberspace.

The Pennsylvania State University