Get detailed instructions for reproducing, administering, and scoring the CRAFFT. These translations have been completed using rigorous best practices, with translation, back translation, and reconciliation of identified discrepancies. The tool is available as a self-administered questionnaire to be completed by a patient and as an interview tool to be administered by a provider. Het is een korte, gevalideerde tool bedoeld om na te gaan of een gesprek over het middelengebruik aangewezen is. International Network on Brief Interventions for Alcohol and Drugs Annual Meeting, 2016. CRAFFT Screening Tool for Adolescent Substance Abuse . The CRAFFT can function as a self-report questionnaire or an interview to be administered by a clinician.This revised version of the CRAFFT screening tool incorporates changes that enhance the sensitivity of the system in terms of identifying adolescents with substance use, and presents new recommended clinician talking points, informed by the latest science and clinician feedback, to guide a brief discussion about substance use with adolescents.

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An easy way to remember how to screen adolescents for psychosocial problems is to use the mnemonic “HEADSS” (home, education and employment, activities, drugs [including tobacco and
The CRAFFT 2.0 provides an updated and revised version of this well-validated and widely utilized adolescent substance use screening protocol. As of 2016, an updated version of the CRAFFT known as the “CRAFFT 2.0” has been released.
Reliability and validity of past-12-month use frequency items as opening questions for the updated CRAFFT adolescent substance use screening system.

The CRAFFT 2.0 screening tool begins with past-12-month frequency items, rather than the previous “yes/no” question for any use over the past year. The older version of the questionnaire contains 9 items in total, answered in a "yes" or "no" format. This new set of frequency questions was tested in a recent study of 708 adolescent primary care patients ages 12–18 that found a sensitivity of 96% and specificity of 81% for detecting past-12-month use of any substance, suggesting better performance in identifying substance use compared to that of the “yes/no” questions found in the prior study.The CRAFFT 2.0 will be translated into the following languages: Chinese, Creole, French, German Hebrew, Japanese, Khmer, Korean, Laotian, Portuguese (Brazil and Portugal), Russian, Spanish (Spain and Latin America), Turkish, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese. It is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Bright Futures Guidelines for preventive care screenings and well-visits.The CRAFFT tool is free to use. Education Base by CRAFFT stands for the key words of the 6 items in the second section of the assessment – CRAFFT = Car, Relax, Alone, Forget, Friends, Trouble. The CRAFFT Interview (version 2.1) To be orally administered by the clinician Begin: “I’m going to ask you a few questions that I ask all my patients.Please be honest. The CRAFFT Screening Tool Every adolescent should be asked yearly about use of alcohol and drugs. Although the previous version of the CRAFFT will still be available, CeASAR recommends that clinicians transition to using version 2.0. CRAFFT stands for the key words of the 6 items in the second section of the assessment - Car, Relax, Alone, Forget, Friends, Trouble. The CRAFFT is a well-validated substance use screening tool for adolescents aged 12-21. The CRAFFT 2.1 screen has been translated into several languages. The CRAFFT 2.0 screening tool begins with past-12-month frequency items (Part A), rather than the previous “yes/no” question for any use over the past year and the other six (Part B) ask about situations in which the respondent used drugs or alcohol and any consequences of usage.

Research has shown that CRAFFT has relatively high The CRAFFT has been translated into many languages, including Mandarin, French, Haitian Creole, French, Hebrew, Japanese, Khmer, Laotian, Russian, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish, and Vietnamese.Harris SK, Sherritt L, Copelas S, Knight JR. Carefully read each question and decide if your answer is “YES” or “NO”. The CRAFFT 2.0 now begins with past-12-month frequency items; i.e., “During the past 12 months, on how many days did you … [drink/use substance name]?” About the CRAFFT. Funding for t… The instruction, “Say ‘0’ if none” follows each question to convey that non-use is also normative. The CRAFFT 2.1 Screening Interview is intended for use by trained clinicians as a brief interview with an adolescent patient. Lausanne, Switzerland. The CRAFFT is a well-validated substance use screening tool for adolescents aged 12-21. The CRAFFT Screening Test is a short clinical assessment tool designed to screen for substance-related risks and problems in adolescents. The following questions concern information about your potential involvement with alcohol and other drugs during the past 12 months.

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