We love talking about sleep and we loved this interview.

She is a member of the Center for SLeep in Calgary, Alberta, Canada where she works with many Canadian Olympic athletes on optimizing sleep. The final, REM stage of the sleep plays a key role in memory consolidation, and is characterized by a spike in heart and respiration rates, paralyzed muscles, and dream retention.Napping is a key piece of advice we give to businesspeople, who routinely battle elevated levels of anxiety in fast-paced environments. bedtime) and then think of all objects that start with B, E, D* Take a Nap! She is one of the leading experts actually studying the science of sleep and it’s affect on performance, body composition, and cognitive function. Sleep scientist, Dr Amy Bender, is today’s guest interview. #SLEEP2018” Even if you feel you are performing well on reduced sleep, it may be an illusion.

In speaking with sleep expert, Amy Bender, she breaks down how to fall asleep, guidelines on naps, and how to handle stress. Amy shares with us the importance of sleep on our health and recovery.

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This sequences through 4-6 times during the course of a normal night.The initial stage of NREM sleep lasts about 5-10 minutes, is the lightest sleep, and occurs immediately after you have fallen asleep.

Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! You then move into the second stage, which accounts for roughly half of your total sleep time. We know that the blue light emitted by electronic devices can be detrimental to sleep quality. All of those things are crucial for senior executives.There is also a direct correlation between poor sleep and physical health. If you’re westward bound, go to bed later and seek light in the evening. We also dive into caffeine and how it effects sleep performance. We talk about athletes and performance and why you should make sleep more of a priority. This week we have Dr. Amy Bender, she is a professor at the University of Calgary, and she is a scientist on a mission to promote sleep! Amy shares with us the importance of sleep on our health and recovery. The Take-A-Way: Use Heart Rate to control/limit Aerobic or low-intensity[...] Send us an email and I'll get back to you, as soon as possible.At the Consummate Athlete, the goal is simple: help people lead their best active, adventurous lives through coaching, videos, podcasts, articles, and events. It’s at this point your heart rate slows and body temperature falls. Apart of weight gain, sleep deprivation weakens your immune system and puts you more at-risk for mood disorders, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Travel can be a huge issue for executives; and how you deal with it depends on the length of stay at the destination.

Well, it is!

Business executives have a lot in common with elite athletes when it comes to mental exertion and the sleep needed to perform at a high level. Sleep, position, supplements, routine, habits, research, resolutions. Managing your sleep starts with pre-trip planning. One trick is to set your alarm 10 minutes longer than your intended nap — and if you wake up before your alarm, get up. Stage three is perhaps the most essential part of your sleep, as your body tissues begin to repair themselves and your brain waves become slower and larger. Nov 16, 2006 by Mark Ehrman and Sara Mednick Although there is a great deal of individual variability (women, for instance, typically require 20-30 minutes more sleep… Research has proven workers who nap are actually more productive than ones that don’t.There is a science, though, behind napping. “This has got to change. Business executives have a lot in common with elite athletes when it comes to mental exertion and the sleep needed to perform at a high level. Change Your Life. Over on Bicycling, I wrote about WTF FTP actually means...[...] Would you ever imagine this could be the most important aspect of your training? Resulting grogginess probably indicates you took too long of a nap and moved into a deeper, ‘stage three’ sleep. Amy's "Morning Cinnamon Drip" - Drip coffee with almond milk, cinnamon and honey. Personally, she has done an Ironman, played basketball and is the mom to 2 little ones.– performance – Examples where improving sleep improves performance= technique for mom’s -> Cognitive shuffling – think of a word (ie. Although there is a great deal of individual variability (women, for instance, typically require 20-30 minutes more sleep than men), the recommended amount of sleep for a healthy adult is between 7-9 hours per day.