Leaflet drops drive a response rate of as much as 50% more than online advertising, and have an almost identical response as direct mail does: 12% flyer delivery 13% direct mail. Creating and printing marketing leaflets. They won't necessarily on first view, but going back to the joining the gym analogy, leaflet distribution is not a one hit wonder event, just as going to the gym doesn't work if you only turn up once. The next few paragraphs will help illustrate how you can maximise your response rate.Which industries benefit most from leaflet distribution?Imagine that two businesses in the same industry decide to invest in a door to door distribution; who will receive the higher response? Even if Mr Sofas had a better offer and better starting prices, you would still go to DFS over Mr Sofas because you know and trust the brand, where as you have never heard of Mr Sofas (probably because I made them up!). You need to remember that response rates will never be huge in … Targeted leaflet drops with attractive offers may get you in the 1%-5% range. Which industries benefit most from leaflet distribution? Why is this? If a landscaping company chose the same leaflet drop campaign as a restaurant, the … Do consumers use services that are promoted through leaflet distribution? 48% of consumers actually visit the shop advertised, have requested extra information or bought a product.Response rates are how often people respond to your marketing or advertising campaign. Door drops such as leaflets, flyers and brochures can be a powerful addition to your marketing mix. What do The Direct Marketing Association say? So the question is why aren’t people responding, and more importantly, how can we encourage people to respond? However, the average response rate is around 1%. Consider, if you receive a flyer for DFS Sofas and another from Mr Sofas, they both say 50% off Boxing Day sale, and both have images of nice sofas from just £399, which would you more likely respond to? Consider, if you receive a flyer for DFS Sofas and another from Mr Sofas, they both say 50% off Boxing Day sale, and both have images of nice sofas from just £399, which would you more likely respond to? However, the average response rate is around 1%. And they are great value for money too.

But what exactly should you be aiming for? Let’s take a look… Many venture into a flyer delivery campaign with, to be fair, pretty unrealistic expectations. We make sure to guide you through the process of deciding exactly what message your leaflet should communicate and what effect this will have on areas your should be picking for distribution. The same stats for direct mail options include 79% and 32%. You must know the total number of letterboxes in your target area. Because instead of talking about your boring business, you need make your business relevant to the receiver, and give them a strong reason to respond. To put this question into context, it's like asking a asking a gym instructor, 'how much weight will I lose by joining the gym?'. Even if Mr Sofas had a better offer and better starting prices, you would still go to DFS over Mr Sofas because you know and trust the brand, where as you have never heard of Mr Sofas (probably because I made them up!). And it has a powerful place in people's lives, with 45% keeping leaflets on a pinboard or in the kitchen drawer". This enables your flyer to  ​notice of TV advertisements, the majority either mute or change the channel to avoid ads.

The measures were… According to the DMA (Direct Marketing Association): DMA’s research shows that door drops are glanced at by 78% of consumers, and 23% read them properly. But it won’t help. There are so many things that end up impacting the final amount of responses one will get from a campaign that this question requires a much more detailed answer.Response rates in leafleting stand on three pillarsOur role is to make sure that each one of these aspects of your campaign is optimized.Different areas of London respond to different types of leaflets. Each and every business runs directly through response rates and this is why we make sure to try and give you the largest response rate possible. We recommend that most of our clients deliver ideally three drops of leaflets to an area over a period of ten weeks.This is a strategy that is commonly used by restaurants to build their local clientele or by new businesses wanting to let all the residents of there area know of their existence. We will do the best we possibly can in order to market your business directly where you ask us to!For a good response rate you’ll need to plan a long term campaign which should be tailored around your budget. Even in this globally connected social media world, the humble flyer still has a crucial role to play in helping companies reach new and existing customers and increase their sales..

Sometimes a classy leaflet is what you want and sometimes including an offer and making sure your service do not look too expensive can be better.

Conduct a house count. If you want to be in the paper, take out an advert. We recommend that most of our clients deliver ideally three drops of leaflets to an area over a period of ten weeks. Don’t be too hasty to eliminate areas – especially on the first couple of drops as you remove the possibility o… In fact, research shows that 73% of door drops are opened, read or filed*.