Summanus is another Etruscan deity the Romans took to as a Nocturnal Thunder God, leaving Jupiter free for the day shift. The Dictionary of Greek Gods Names starting with 'S' provides fast facts and information. In Etruscan myths, there is a Council of 9 thunder gods who could wield thunderbolts. Etymology. Summanus had a following in Roman times, but if he is worshipped today, his cult is even more secretive. 20 June temple of Summanus anniversary. Summanus is the God of Nocturnal Thunder and counterpart to Jupiter, the … Useful, list of all the names and functions of deities in this Dictionary of Roman and Greek Gods Names starting with 'S'. Summanus is the God of Nocturnal Thunder and counterpart to Jupiter the god of daylight thunder. Di inferi. [These pages use text from Wikipedia under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. 15. Summanus (Latin: Summānus) was the god of nocturnal thunder in ancient Roman religion, as counterposed to Jupiter, the god of diurnal (daylight) thunder. ]The Newsletter is due to be published in -44057 days, on the .Enter your email to subscribe to the TWG Newsletter.Leo is ruled by the Sun and can be a very noble sign, though there may be some problems with ego-inflation. It helped Romans make sense of good and bad things that happened. The temple of Summanus stood at the west of the Circus Maximus.

Roman God of War – Mars Religion was an important part of daily life in Rome. Summanus is the God of Nocturnal Thunder and counterpart to Jupiter, the god of daylight thunder. But by the time of the Emperor Augustus, he slipped into being a nearly-forgotten deity whose past significance was lost, and who eventually only survived in memory as a dark, underworld deity. (1975). Roman God of War – Mars Religion was an important part of daily life in Rome. Varro, however, lists Summanus among gods he considers of Sabine origin, to whom king Titus Tatius dedicated altars (arae) in consequence of a votum. Summanus was a deity of evening or nocturnal lightning, while Jupiter (or Zeus) was a deity of diurnal or daytime lightning; as St. Augustine attests to in his De Civitate Dei Book IV, Chapter 23: “diurna Jovis, nocturna Summani fulgura habentur * ” Daytime lightning(s) were held by Jove, nocturnal lightning(s) were held by Summanus.” The double aspect of heavenly sovereign power would be reflected in the dichotomy Varuna-Mitra in Vedic religion and in Rome in the dichotomy Summanus-Dius Fidius. It is also thought to be another name for Pluto. If terrible things like natural disasters or battle losses occurred, Romans believed it was evidence that the Gods were unhappy with the people of Rome. The poet Camões also claimed him to be a Chthonic deity and wrote: "If in Summanus' gloomy realm / Severest punishment you now endure".On June 20th every year, the day before the Summer Solstice, people would make offerings to Summanus with little cakes called Summanalia which were made of flour, milk and honey in the shape of a wheel. It may derive from the Latin preposition ‘sub’ combined with the noun ‘mane’ meaning ‘before the mourning’ — which is logical as Summanus was the god of nocturnal lightening. A derivative form from summus, the highest, an ancient Roman or Etruscan divinity, who was equal or even of higher rank than Jupiter; in fact, it would seem that as Jupiter was the god of heaven in the bright day, so Summanus was the god of the nocturnal heaven, and lightnings plying in the night were regarded as the work of Summanus. An electric lightning bolt of cardamom and black pepper, supporting a bright fragrant heart of rose and amber, underpinned with a rumbling spicy woody base of Sandalwood, Guaiac and Nagarmotha." It may have been built because of a statue that was on the roof of the temple of Jupiter Capitolinus was struck by lightning. Scotus was the primordial god of darkness and linked the Greek god Erebus. Summanus - God of Nocturnal Thunder. Chthonic deity [6]. Summanus is the creation of Brian Lumley — who based the Great Old One on the Roman deity of the same name — and first appeared in Lumley's short story "What Dark God?" Tatius: As per Roman mythology, Titus Tatis was a king of the Sabines.

Monarch of Night, Lord of Hell, The Terror that Walketh in DarknessThe H.P. He is also considered to be a Chthonic deity and the counter opposite of Jupiter.The meaning of Summanus is unclear but is thought to mean something like "The Greatest of the Manes" (Manes are Roman chthonic deities). They variously associated him with Jupiter (Iuppiter Summanus), with Pluto and by Martianus Capella as the greatest of the Manes, the divine ancestors (Summus Manium).

Somnus, god of sleep, equivalent to the Greek god Hypnos. In Roman mythology, Summanus is the god of nocturnal thunder. Traditionally Mount Summano (elevation 1291 m.) in the Alps near Veneto, Italy is considered a site of the cult of god Pluto, Jupiter, Summanus and the Manes. Summanus was the god of nocturnal thunder.