He taunts them with their possible deaths and how Felipe will suffer after losing his wife and his two sons.Potter attempts to throw EZ a line, telling Angel that EZ’s deal was set up so that nothing could be used against his family or the club.Angel remains silent as they drive away from the police station. Coco calls them “warrior markers.” EZ grabs a beer and a woman and does his best to attempt to relax.While all this is going down, the rebels are filling Father Rodrigo’s computer with child pornography.

Miguel Galindo asks the club for a personal favor in Season 1, Episode 2 of 'Mayans MC' — read our recap. He shouldn’t have let EZ make a deal with the Feds, but EZ takes responsibility for everything that’s happening.EZ’s determined to stick it out and return to the club. That means the killer’s local.Angel’s in a rotten mood, feeling betrayed by both his brother and his dad. )Angel confesses he knows about the DEA deal and believes his dad always chooses EZ over him. He’s texted them details of what they have to do by the end of day, tomorrow. He was hoping EZ could ultimately walk away from this and start a new life.Angel, clutching a beer in one hand and one of EZ’s trophies in the other, wonders if his dad thinks he has the life he’s supposed to have. )Angel confesses he knows about the DEA deal and believes his dad always chooses EZ over him.

They string up Father Rodrigo, making it appear he hung himself.Adelita’s blade is bloody as the camera passes over Devante’s severed head.Felipe burns his history, tossing the photos and paperwork into the fire.Tattoo finished, Angel joins EZ on the hotel room’s deck. “She needs closure,” says Miguel, adding, “That is how we create the trust to make this work.”Devante admits he made Miguel’s mother lie about Cristobal’s death.Miguel shows Adelita a selection of weapons, reminding her this will pay his family’s debt.

Meanwhile, the Mayans’ bigwigs also know something funny is going on and resolve to find out what it is.Angel and his small group of Mayans go to a heavily armed camp in the middle of the desert where they find a bunch of people in masks led by a woman named Adelita (Carla Baratta). But what this secret meeting’s actually about is they’re all getting new tattoos. It then dawns on Angel that their father is aware of EZ’s deal. Miguel and Emily disagree, aware of the rebels’ manpower. The Samoas respond in kind and the whole thing looks like a stalemate. He doesn’t understand what’s going on. Season 1 Finale Recap: ... contains spoilers for the Mayans M.C. But this isn’t any old order, as Felipe hides a drug parcel given to him by EZ along with the meat. She also warns him not to make her choose.They’re leaving the casino when Miguel asks Marcus to ride with Emily, promising they’ll meet back up before they hit the freeway.

titled Cuervo/Tz’ikb’uul delivered arguably the most shocking twist of the entire season at the end of the final act. Felipe confirms he’s known about the deal from the beginning and further reveals EZ wouldn’t make the deal without his consent. Adelita describes the mission of the rebels and says they “need the edge of the most dangerous blade,” meaning the Galindo cartel.

She immediately sees EZ isn’t a regular, but when Angel reveals that’s his brother Adelita thanks him for his help. Next: Mayans M.C. Miguel says he needs to speak with Marcus as Devante tries to convince him the Galindo family means everything to him.Miguel steps out from the car and hugs Nestor. As they talk, Potter calls.

He hears music and conversations. Angel tells EZ he needs to leave the club by telling Bishop being a Mayan isn’t for him. Felipe explains that EZ would never have been set free, given that he was a cop killer.“I didn’t choose him over you. But when walking away, the Mayans open fire and the end up taking out most of the Samoas there. He also realizes Potter was right and that the club will assume he’s a part of EZ’s betrayal. He finally pulls over and punches EZ in the face. Miguel holds up an X-ray and realizes Devante and his mother lied to him about how his brother died.Elsewhere, Felipe finds EZ as he’s making his way home. He crosses the border and drives to the rebel camp while calling Adelita. He doesn’t believe he has any other choice.Back at the Galindo home, Miguel alerts Nestor (Gino Vento) that Adelita is minutes away from Father Rodrigo. Miguel then goes to his mentioned dinner with family, who is none other than Emily with whom he has a son.EZ goes back to the Reyes butcher shop and the two meet in the cooler with Felipe’s customer from earlier. EZ calmly tells him he’ll be there soon. He also assures Devante that he now sees the big picture after clearing his head.Angel heads through the tunnels to see Adelita. He doesn’t believe he has any other choice.Back at the Galindo home, Miguel alerts Nestor (Gino Vento) that Adelita is minutes away from Father Rodrigo. Recap of FX's 'Mayans M.C.' starts off as addictive as the drugs the Mayans ... 5 best lines from Supernatural Season 4, Episode 2 by ... Mayans M.C. On his way in he drives past the school he used to attend. When the kid falls and gets caught, EZ steps in and pays for it. He asks Emily’s opinion and she tells him he needs to trust his instincts.