The global economy started 2018 on an upbeat note, buoyed by a pickup in global manufacturing and trade through 2017. All journal articles featured in Current Issues in Tourism vol 23 issue 16. September 2018. Issues 2018 - Volume 32, Journal of Economic Surveys.
December 2018. Global economic activity continues to strengthen. Includes registration procedures, forms, zone facts and online reports. 2018 - Volume 128; 2017 - Volume 127; 2016 - Volume 126; 2015 - Volume 125; 2014 - Volume 124; 2013 - Volume 123; 2012 - Volume 122; 2011 - Volume 121; 2010 - Volume 120 ; 2000 - 2009. Pages: 1-272. Volume 32, Issue 2. If you do not receive an email within 10 minutes, your email address may not be registered, The pickup in growth has been broad based, with notable upside surprises in Europe and Asia. April 2018 . The World Economic Forum conducted a survey of 26,000 millennials around the globe to gauge their priorities, concerns, and attitudes on world issues.

and you may need to create a new Wiley Online Library account.Enter your email address below and we will send you your usernameIf the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to retrieve your username Pages: 273-577. Pages: 1221-1559. Infrastructure improvements will be crucial in the Philippines as the country looks to become an upper-middle income country and reduce poverty rates from 16.6 percent in 2018 to 14 percent by 2022. Volume 32, Issue 4. Pages: 579-960. Read the Article 2. Volume 32, Issue 5 Special Issue: CONTEMPORARY TOPICS IN FINANCE: A COLLECTION OF LITERATURE SURVEYS. Please check your email for instructions on resetting your password. Global growth forecasts for 2018 and 2019 have been revised upward by to 3.9 percent, reflecting increased global growth momentum and the expected impact of the recently approved U.S. tax policy changes. Volume 32, Issue 1. The Philippines: A Good Time to Expand the Infrastructure Push. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Pages: 961-1220. As investors’ confidence in the global economic outlook lost steam, so did the upswing. Volume 32, Issue 3. July 2018. February 2018…
PEZA - attached to the Department of Trade and Industry - is the Philippine government agency tasked to promote investments, extend assistance, register, grant incentives to and facilitate the business operations of investors in export-oriented manufacturing and service facilities inside selected areas throughout the country proclaimed by the President of the Philippines as PEZA Special Economic Zones.It oversees and administers incentives to developers/operators of and locators in world-class, ready-to-occupy, environment-friendly, secured and competitively priced Special Economic Zones (seeAll content is public domain unless otherwise stated.This email address is being protected from spambots. Promotes the establishment of economic zones in the Philippines for foreign investments. 2009 - Volume 119; 2008 - Volume 118; 2007 - Volume 117; 2006 - Volume 116; 2005 - Volume 115; 2004 - Volume 114; 2003 - Volume 113; 2002 - Volume 112; 2001 - Volume 111; 2000 - Volume 110; 1990 - 1999.