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From 1946 until 1994 the DC was the largest party in Parliament, governing in successive coalitions. The people of Italy were voting based on a way of life, not just a political party.In May 1947 De Gasperi broke decisively with his Communist and Socialist coalition partners under pressure from U.S. President Under De Gasperi, major land reforms were carried out in the poorer rural regions in the early postwar years, with farms appropriated from the large landowners and parcelled out to the peasants. meREWARDS lets you get coupon deals, and earn cashback when you complete surveys, dine, travel and shop with our partners ROME: The leader of Italy's co-ruling Democratic Party (PD), Nicola Zingaretti, said on Saturday (Mar 7) he had tested positive for coronavirus becoming the first senior Italian politician to be infected. In the The electoral results of the DC in general (Chamber of Deputies) and European Parliament elections since 1946 are shown in the chart below. I will set a good example and follow to the letter the rules set by doctors and scientists," he said.Italy's Industry Minister Stefano Patuanelli has put himself in isolation after one of his aides tested positive. "I have coronavirus too", Zingaretti said in a video posted on Facebook, adding he was well and in self-isolation at home.Italy has been the country hit hardest by the epidemic in Europe with a total of 4,636 cases and 197 deaths as of Friday, and is reporting more deaths per day form the virus than any other nation in the world.The government this week ordered the closure of schools, universities, cinemas and theatres to stem infections.The case of Zingaretti, who is also governor of the central region of Lazio, which includes the capital Rome, could cause concern among government ranks given the frequent contacts he has with ministers, regional administrators and PD members.In his message, Zingaretti said his family was following the required protocols and all the people he had been in contact with in recent days were being contacted for checks. Zingaretti is the leader of Italy's co-ruling Democratic Party. In the As the DC's role was ended, the 1919 PPI strongholds and the DC's traditional heartlands were to become Lega Nord's power base, while the successor parties of the DC continued to be key political actors only in the South, where the clientelistic way of government practised by the Christian Democrats and their allies had left a mark. No Christian Democrat would match his longevity in office and, despite the fact that DC's share of vote was always between 38 and 43% from From 1954 the DC was led by progressive Christian Democrats, such as From 1976 to 1979 the DC governed with the external support of the PCI, through the The event was a shock for the party.

In addition, during its years in office, Christian Democrats passed a number of laws safeguarding employees from exploitation, established a national health service, and initiated low-cost housing in Italy’s major cities.De Gasperi served as Prime Minister until 1953 and would die a year later. The three candidates were Matteo Renzi, former Prime Minister and party secretary until February 2017, Michele Emiliano, President of Apulia, and Andrea Orlando, the Minister of Justice. FILE PHOTO: Democratic Party leader Nicola Zingaretti walks into the Presidential Palace for consultations with Italian President Sergio Mattarella in Rome, Italy, August 22, 2019. This service is not intended for persons residing in the EU. It originally supported governments with a The party was succeeded by a string of smaller parties, including the The Christian Democratic Party was used in response to Fascist Italy and used as a mechanism of opposition to communism. Attilio Fontana, regional governor of the northern region of Lombardy, the most affected area of the country, did the same thing.Politicians of all stripes sent Zingaretti messages of support. Italian left-wing party leader of the Democratic Party (Partito Democratico - PD) Nicola Zingaretti waves as he arrives for a meeting with the Italian President as part of a second round of consultations with political parties at the Quirinal presidential palace in Rome, on August 28, 2019. Italy's Democratic Party leader Nicola Zingaretti,who is also governor of the central region of Lazio, said on Saturday he had tested positive for coronavirus. Giuseppe Conte's new government is a coalition between unlikely allies: the anti-establishment Five Star Movement and center-left Democratic Party. Renzi was elected by a landslide 70%, and appointed Maurizio Martina as his deputy secretary. When Moro was abducted, the government, at the time led by At the beginning of the 1980s the DC had lost part of its support over Italian voters. Democratic Party leader Nicola Zingaretti speaks to the media after consultations with Italian President Sergio Mattarella in Rome More ROME (Reuters) - The leader of Italy's co-ruling Democratic Party (PD), Nicola Zingaretti, said on Saturday he had tested positive for coronavirus becoming the first senior Italian politician to be infected. For other parties with identical or similar name, see Italy: Library of Nations: Italy, Time-Life Books, 1985 DC re-gained the post of Prime Minister in 1987, after a mild recovery in the The DC suffered heavy defeats in the 1993 provincial and municipal elections and the subsequent split of the The party's ideological sources were principally to be found in As a catch-all party, the DC differed from other European Christian Democratic parties, such as the The DC was characterised by a number of factions, spanning from left to right and evolving all the time.The party was often led by centrist figures unaffiliated to any faction such as From the 1980s the party was divided between the centre-right led by From the late 1950s the DC started to move South and by the 1980s it was stronger in the South than in the North, with the exception of Veneto, which remained one of the party's strongholds.