Here are the schematics for a simple EPROM programmer. It is inspired by the home built computers of the late 70s and computer revolution of the early 80s. Anyway I've tried to make the procedure enough general to be used for other versions too.If you have installed Arduino IDE 1.8.5 and then installed the MighyCore with the Board Manager with the usual .json "pointer", the MightyCore is located in the "~/.arduino15/packages/MightyCore" directory:Now you must locate the "~/.arduino15/packages/MightyCore/hardware/avr/1.0.8/cores" directory (note that the "1.0.8" part of the directory name depends on the MightyCore version, and so can be a different number if you have a different version of the MighyCore):Currently working on a VT100 terminal with VGA out and  PS/2 keyboard with a power supply (for the Z80-MBC2 too). Since a digital 1 means positive voltage, and a 0 means grounding, it would be impossible to have all registers share the same bus without giving them the ability to selectively connect and disconnect from the bus. An easy to build homemade single board computer with a V20HL aka uPD70108H (8088 + 8080) or 80C88 CPU. XMODEM needs a full 8 bit binary data transfer, and this is not possible with the CON port (the CP/M port used for the console) with a "legacy" CP/M system installation because the CP/M Alteration Guide says to strip the eight parity bit when reading a byte from the console input.More, because the Z80-MBC2 uses a virtual serial port without handshaking there is also a timing problem when dealing with the 128 bytes packets used by the XMODEM protocol.So the support to the XMODEM protocol has requested changes in the IOS and  in the CP/M BIOS, and also in the Arduino core to extend the serial input buffer.Please note that with the new IOS the default speed of the serial port is now 115200 bps.To have the XMODEM support active, before the update of the new IOS firmware and the new SD image (see in the Files section),  you have to manually create a new "board variant" in the Arduino IDE and then change the default Rx input buffer size to 128 bytes in the "core" of this new variant. /Filter /FlateDecode Hey! 4 years ago The sd card is correctly installed with the proper contents as per your zip archive.

point Would you be able to share the build procedure and corresponding GENCPM.DAT file? Thanks a lot to give me some idea for additional debug. As such I’ve included a PDF link:The schematic is divided into pages, each page serving a logic block of functionalityThere are two display options, TIL311 LED displays or a 2xz16 LCD/VFD. Homemade 8MHz Z80 SBC, 128kB banked RAM, RTC, SD (HD emulation), Basic and Forth interpreters, CP/M 2.2 and 3, cross Assembler and C (SDCC) Zip Archive - I explored the menu-entries and after choosing Forth, I run into Forth on every reboot.  
Blanking inputs are latched by a 74HCT374. 3 years ago Personally I think the DB9 is cool, because that’s what a retro computer would have used. Here are the schematics for a simple EPROM programmer.

All of the parts in the list are there with the exception of 2. You can think of logic gates as the decision-makers in digital electronics.

I’d be very interested in a board along with a BOM, if available.What would it cost me to get you to send me one of these boards.