Upon confronting Ben, Sun learned that Jin was in fact alive on the island, to prove he was telling the truth he presented Sun with Jin's wedding ring which he had given to Locke to convince Sun he was dead so she would not return and be in danger. Uncomfortable with his role as Mr. Paik's lap dog, Jin visited After delivering one of the watches in Australia, Jin prepared to board After crashing on the Island, Jin isolated himself and Jin demanded Sun cover her bare shoulders one day, and her later interactions with survivors angered him, but Michael made him back off. They tried to conceive a child, hoping a grandchild would please Mr. Paik, but a doctor told them Sun was barren. She asks Sun is still on board the boat with Jin and Sayid, and eventually arrive at the pier. As a child, Sun was taught how to play the piano. Jin-Soo Kwon (Korean name: Kwon Jin-Soo; Hangul: 권진수; Hanja: 權眞秀), more commonly known as Jin, was married to Sun-Hwa Kwon and was one of the middle section survivors of Oceanic Flight 815. The language barrier thwarted them at first, and Michael's frequent yelling annoyed Jin. Jin had since been told that his mother died when he was young. In addition to those phrases he has also learned a lot to please Working for the DHARMA Initiative, he spent three years among English speakers and can now speak the language fluently. Following her advice, Sun poisons Jin's drinking water, but ends up poisoning Fearing for her safety, Jin disallows Sun to tend to her garden, going as far as ripping it apart. The two hit it off until Jae Lee revealed that he planned on marrying an American woman. Sun had planned to leave Jin and her family and the woman had helped Sun set up a false identity (and a place for her to hide until the search for her ended). They first postponed their honeymoon for Jin's training; he gave her a white flower in its place.

His father didn't attend the wedding - Jin had told Sun that his parents were dead to distract from his background. Sun informs him that their only shared interest is in killing Benjamin Linus.
Knowing no English, Jin initially isolated himself and Sun from the other survivors, and when he found out that she had secretly learned English, he felt betrayed and briefly left her.

Even though he was not sure about being Jin's father, the fisherman raised Jin, knowing that no one else would. When they reach the boat, Sun is shocked to see Michael; their conversation is cut short when masses of A few years later, Sun travels to London to meet with Sun traveled to Los Angeles from Korea when she is detained by Charles Widmore. For the South Korean singer, see

Sun was born on March 20, 1980 into the powerful Paik family; natives of Seoul.

Whenever other survivors, particularly Sun creates a garden in the jungle, where she grows a variety of different herbs and fruit plants. Date of death: September 22, 2004 She also created a Three words that Jin uses often and seems to understand completely are "Later, Sawyer taught Jin some "essential" phrases all women need to hear such as "I'm sorry", "You were right" and "Those pants don't make you look fat". The producers liked her so much that they created Sun just for her. Jin's heritage is recognized by th… Mr. Paik ordered him to send messages to officials and union leaders. Sun and Jin had been trying to conceive a child, but after visiting a fertility doctor, they were informed that Sun was unable to conceive due to severe endometriosis, causing more strain on the marriage.

They eventually though learned to understand each other. Sun-Hwa Kwon (née Paik) (Korean name: Paik Sun-hwa; Hangul: 백선화; Hanja: 白善華), more commonly known as Sun, was married to Jin-Soo Kwon and was one of the middle section survivors of Oceanic Flight 815. However, Jin reveals to Sun that he understands more English than she thinks. When Desmond thwarts their plans, Sun encourages Claire to investigate. She asked her father if he would tell Jin about her affair, to which he declined, saying that it was not his place. However, Widmore's people throw them into cages, Widmore claiming this is for their own good. Sun hides in the boat that night while the other two wait outside. Jin tried a number of times to escape the island.

A single moment of tenderness from Jin, however, caused her to change her mind, and she decided to accompany him to Following the crash, Jin is overly protective of Sun and tells her that they must isolate themselves from the other survivors.