The VTech Laser 200 was an early 8-bit home computer from 1983, also sold as the Salora Fellow (mainly in Fennoscandia, particularly Finland), the Seltron 200 in Hungary and Italy, the Smart-Alec Jr. by Dynasty Computer Corporation in Dallas, Texas for the USA, the Texet TX8000A (in the United Kingdom), and the Dick Smith VZ 200 (in Australia and New Zealand) and the VTech VZ 200 (in the United States and Canada). Both of these demos technically should not be possible. The laser 100 was released with 2K RAM + 2K Video RAM, whilst the laser 110 was released with 4K RAM + 2K Video RAM. Unfortunately, there are a number of known software packages that have simply been lost through the age of time.Dick Smith Electronics ran a program buying software from local programmers and selling them through their stores for $12 a cassette.
Le Laser a été commercialisé en Australie sous le nom de VZ. These computers were a near identical clone to that of the TRS-80 Model 1. At the time of writing, there are only two known Laser 305's in existence. For each character block, the background colour can be either light green or buff (white), with the foreground any of the four colours in the set. Video Technology manufactured calculators and LCD pad game toys (similar to The VZ200 had little impact in the UK where it sold at a similar price to the 16 kB It gained some following in Australia and New Zealand, and in some countries in northern continental America and Europe. Flag this item for. Black is not available.For mode 1, two colour sets are used with each background colourText is identical to Mode 0, using either colour set for foreground with each background colour. The colours can be used in any combination on the screen, but only one colour set can be used per screen, so screens are limited to five colours at most. Double precision numbers are not available, but can be used by storing the different power position numbers in a string and concatenating the strings. A number of other VTech designed plug-in peripherals were also available for both the Laser 200 and Laser 310 computers. These computers were a near identical clone to that of the TRS-80 Model 1. Both computers were released with the same orange coloured keyboard 'chicklet' style keyboard on a black background. Video Technology used higher capacity memory ICs for the VZ-300, having 18kb of memory (16kb CPU RAM + 2kb video RAM). It was only sold throughout the two countries of Hungary and Italy and is unique with its own configuration layout of the motherboard; quite different to that of the other family of computers.The Seltron's motherboard contained the same custom VZ300/Laser310 single packaged GA003 and GA004 chipsets (which replaced discrete VZ200/Laser200-210 components), though the design eliminated the need for the GA008 (clock register and DRAM controller) that is used in the 16Kb VZ300/Laser310. Both computers supported colour within the internal language interpreters (BASIC, Assembler), however, the output video from the NTSC and PAL circuitry only supplied black and white signals.

VTech Laser-200 ROMs: Manufacturer : VTech | System : Laser-200 Welcome to the VTech Laser-200 ROMs section of the ROM Database. As the VZ200 is limited to only 2 kB of video memory since only 4 kB of memory in total was initially available, the screen is limited to only 16 lines down, making the total number of pixels in text mode 256 × 128 pixels. VTech Laser 200 - Downloads - Emulators You have 0 articles to compare. Externally, the VZ200 resembles a cross between the Commodore The connections consist of a port for an unregulated DC power supply (the voltage regulator is on the PCB), a stereophonic earphone jack for a cassette recorder, an RF modulated video output, an edge connector which is a printer and disk drive port, an edge connector that is a joystick port, and a composite monitor output (NTSC 60 Hz output in north America, PAL 50 Hz output in the British Commonwealth and continental Europe). In mode 0, text uses a black foreground with either background colour. The latter 128 character blocks consist of a 2×2 pixel block in each possible combination (8), in every of the 8 colour palette for foreground, together with either background colour chosen. The case was made with a less brittle type of plastic. Among them were joysticks, cassette drive, light pen, printer plotter, 75 baud MODEM, word processor cartridge, and the 16k and 64k extended RAM cartridges. The DOS ROM and diskette drives were backwards compatible with the Laser 200. The Seltron also had the standard 16k ROM, and the motherboard allowed for the option of either a single 16Kb ROM package or 2x 8Kb ROM chip packages.

The bitmapped mode is unavailable.The VZ200 has nine colours, an eight colour palette plus black. Moderator: Jimbo At its UK launch, Tesomexet claimed that the £98, TX8000-branded version was the cheapest colour home microcomputer on the market. This provided the building blocks towards an actual working frontend emulator. Extended RAM was available above top RAM using the remote offset addressing method available on the Z80 (also known as bank switching). The Laser 310 was released in 1985 throughout parts of Europe, The VZ300 had a small number of physical upgrades, but is completely compatible with the VZ200.

Essentially it is the Laser 310 motherboard placed inside the Laser 200 keyboard, of which, anyone with these two computers could perform themselves. Most VZ200 programs were written in Australia, it is the equivalent of the The VTech Laser 210, rebadged as a Dick Smith VZ200 Please help improve the article by merging similar sections and removing unneeded subheaders. However, the original release and the reasoning behind VTech releasing this particular configuration, unfortunately, has been lost to history. The first 128 character blocks are 64 alpha-numeric characters and their inverses. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The screen can use green mode or black mode, the latter using inverse colours.In mode 0, the background colour can be either dark green or orange.In mode 0, text uses a black foreground with either background colour.