1 . His book, "Copyright © 2019 Salon.com, LLC. YouTube's amateur and professional videos are engaging, and the site's linking function presents dozens of related clips that will keep you browsing and viewing for hours. Longtime favorites such as Browse through hilarious, touching, or educational videos.If you need to be productive, a trip to YouTube can nix any results. S.H.I.E.L.D. There's weird, odd, bizarre, scary, and downright upsetting subreddits out there - here's 10 you need to know. “The next day, Empyrum went to /r/NotInteresting and posted a similar picture. Fark describes itself as a news aggregator and an edited social networking news site. ZergNet collects a breathtaking amount of content on subjects that range from movies and gaming to sports and more. It was a smudged image of a finger over a smartphone camera lens. Only pull a prank only on someone who will appreciate it.Use your best judgment on pranks that may not go over well, such as the Make Someone Faint prank. 1 . This site is mesmerizing as an exploration of human experience and emotion, with a side of hilarious content. Peruse the demotivating offerings, or have offerings made into calendars, posters, T-shirts, and more. "The mind behind /r/NotInteresting is — in their own words — a “fairly uninteresting Reddit stereotype.” “I'm in my early 30s, I'm a programmer by trade,” Sli told Salon. 1 . Some ads look like content. Who is the most powerful Fantastic Four member? The big, meta in-joke of /r/NotInteresting is that it is, on some level, I asked a user with the screen name “Empyrum,” who had a recent viral post on /r/NotInteresting, what he thought made some uninteresting posts go viral and other equally uninteresting posts stagnate.

However, some may have elements that aren't safe for work (NSFW), so use common sense when visiting these sites while at the office.Its charity organization, Chive Charities, makes it a community with a cause.Pop-up ads on the mobile version can be distracting.

How much do we really know? Uncrate is filled with gadgets designed for those who love technology. 1 . What is time?

Captain Marvel vs Scarlet Witch: Who Do You Think Would Win? Strange news stories are addictive and often hilarious. She came into existence with Thanos has loved Death for some time, now. The character first appeared in Captain Marvel #26 (June). The most interesting community on Reddit is also its most boring Over 140,000 people subscribe to a community devoted to things that aren't interesting. Watch time-wasting videos that may amuse or possibly dumbfound you. The catch-all “/r/funny,” has more than 18 million subscribers; “/r/ToyotaTacoma,” a niche forum to discuss the titular pickup, has about 10,000. Sli once described it as a version of the /r/funny subreddit, but for "nihilists. If you enjoy looking at pictures, you'll find Pinterest to be an engrossing visual feast as well as a great organizational tool for preparing projects. The website name says it all, but it understates how compelling the content is, with a lot of talent and thought put into some posts. Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. Directed by Ian Cheney. On Oct. 24, in the /r/MildlyInteresting subreddit, user iamnotchris posted an image of his friend’s wood-veneer smartphone case, which coincidentally perfectly matched the veneer of the desk that it sat atop. Will-O-the Wisps. Keith A. Spencer Reddit has become so big and subreddits so many. The exercise is very postmodern, and also requires a very specific sense of humor. Gifs and videos occasionally stop by, but it’s a good subreddit for that feel-good animal-lover who wants some creatures with personality.Truly, this is just a novelty subreddit, but the concept is pretty hilarious: just pictures of some guy’s roomie sleeping. Millions of dollars transact on eBay every day, and thousands of people make eBay selling a full-time career. Share: “Ask Me Anything” message threads on Reddit, also known …

The Most Unknown is an epic documentary film that sends nine scientists to extraordinary parts of the world to uncover unexpected answers to some of humanity's biggest questions.

Unlike Darkseid, Thanos has a weakness in his on-again, off-again girlfriend, Death. This is what this subreddit is about. Look, I can’t explain it, but there is something satisfying about seeing these minor, insigificant modern, first-world horrifically angering pictures. Readers contribute pictures of their cute cats, dogs, ferrets, rabbits, or adorable animals they discovered at the zoo. Click the color wheel to select a color, then click to start drizzling colored pixels. These are way weirder though.きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ – PONPONPON , Kyary Pamyu Pamyu – PONPONPON Many items offer more information if you're interested in the subject.Gadgets are geared toward traditionally masculine activities. Letters may offer insight into tough subjects and change your perspective.Some of the funny content may not strike you as funny. He manages Salon's science, tech, economy and health coverage. I Waste So Much Time calls itself the site that deprives you of productivity one minute at a time. The funny thing about this is that it only lasts about 5 minutes, but hey, while it does, it’s quite possibly the most specifically obscure subreddit possible.Want more subreddits?