We started to remove this limitation since a few versions, and it is finally done with 6.4. Solution: Run gradlew tasks to get a list of available tasks../gradlew tasks. Further, it allows developers to continuously inspect the code, perform automatic reviews and run analysis to find code quality issues. A SonarQube property value set via a system property overrides any value set in a build script (for the same property). I really got an 'overflow' trying to make these things to work together. clean - Deletes the build directory. your coworkers to find and share information.
Everything goes smoothly from then on.In my case, setting the 'Gradle version' same as the 'Android Plugin version' under File->Project Structure->Project fixed the issue for me.Apparently this error has multiple causes. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and This completely blocked builds so I had to dig in to Gradle.

Task 'setupDecompWorkspace' not found in root project 'testmod'. * Get more help at https://help.gradle.org. It persisted, I upgraded to AS 0.8.7 (canary channel) and got stuck on the OP issue (Task '' not found in root project). This completely blocked builds so I had to dig in to Gradle.My repair steps on OSX (please adjust for Windows):Checked the Gradle wrapper (currently 1.12.2; don’t try to use 2.0 at this time).Assuming you don’t need a particular version, use the This can be set in Android Studio at Preferences | Gradle (but 0.8.7 was giving me ‘invalid location’ errors).You can try switching it to the exact version, like this:and (after recording what version you’re changing from in each case) verifying that every build.gradle file in your project pulls in the same plugin version. Ensure you don’t have two Android Application modules in the same ProjectThis may interact with the final solution (different Gradle versions, above), and causeTo check, Build | Make Project should not pop up a window asking what application you want to make.In my recent builds, I kept seeing horrible fails (pages of exceptions) but within seconds the messages would clear, build succeeded and the app deployed. Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Task '' not found in root project 'MyProject'.Try: When analyzing a project hierarchy, values set via system properties apply to the root project of the analyzed hierarchy.

It seemed to be some bug in Android Studio where it preserves some gradle settings from previously open project and then get confused in the new project.The solution was extremely simple: Close the project and shut down Android Studio completely, before re-opening it and then import/open the new project. Active 8 days ago.

Bytecode created by javac compilation is required for Java analysis, including Android projects.Installation is automatic, but certain global properties should still be configured.

At least the minimal version of Java supported by your SonarQube server is in use The Overflow Blog Information pertaining to the analysis as a whole has to be configured in the sonarqube block of this project. Task 'setupDecompWorkspace' not found in root project 'testmod'. Featured on Meta As of this writing:dependencies {
In the last few months I have hit every wall I think Android has; I've been here quite often and this is my first post. To answer fast, you may have multiple Gradle plugins in your project.My issue seemed to start with a corrupted IML file. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under The SonarScanner for Gradle provides an easy way to start SonarQube analysis of a Gradle project.The ability to execute the SonarQube analysis via a regular Gradle task makes it available anywhere Gradle is available (developer build, CI server, etc. Theme . I am having the same issue, with my first project (following a Spark tutorial). Task dependencies

.\gradlew sonarqube -Dsonar.host.url=After that ,you will find the project already in the SonarQube server.Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! I thought this was a hard fix, so I sincerely apologize if the quality of my answer reflects the difficulty I had in getting to it.This error comes when you do not have target sdk of your android project installed in sdk folderfor eg. SonarQube enables developers to track code quality, which helps them to ascertain if a project is ready to be deployed in production. I leave this here in case anyone else encounters the issue.

A good place to configure global properties is Assuming a local SonarQube server with out-of-the-box settings is up and running, no further configuration is required.To analyze a project hierarchy, apply the SonarQube plugin to the root project of the hierarchy. Since I could never explain it and the app worked, I never noticed that I had two Gradle plugins in my project. * Try: Run gradlew tasks to get a list of available tasks. Running locally There is a bootRun task setup in …

Each system property starting with By default, the SonarScanner for Gradle passes on the project's main source set as production sources, and the project's test source set as test sources. Sonarqube gradle analyzing project, task not found in root project. credentials), environment information, or for ad-hoc configuration.While certainly useful at times, we recommend keeping the bulk of the configuration in a (versioned) build script, readily available to everyone. Additional source sets can be added as needed.Entries in the properties map can be read and written with the usual Groovy syntax. buildNeeded - Assembles and tests this project and all projects it depends on. Added ANDROID_SDK to my ~/.bash_profile and it worked