We do not support the recommendation that the chairman should not chair the nominations appointments committee. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the

We tested a model that included peer nominations of happiness and anger, the emotion processing risk index, and teacher-repor ted aggression. 19.

of Constantinople (grand mufti), who is his representative in the imamate and issues judgments in points of faith and law from which there is no appeal; but the Being an ardent expansionist, he voted for the recognition of the independence of Texas in 1837 and for the joint annexation resolution of 1845, and advocated the Seward; he was on the commi ttee which drew up the platform and served on the committee which announced his In 1884 he was a leader in the Independent (or Mugwump) movement against the He succeeded Curtis as editorial writer for Harper's Weekly in 1892-1898, in which he did much for civil service reform and for Cleveland's In one instance a certain clan has the right to nominate the principal chief over an entire district; though it is known as the ruling clan, its rule is mainly confined to this A common practice is for the holder of a high title to nominate a successor; and his In his thirteenth year his father died, leaving the family well-to-do; the home at Woodford was broken up, as being unnecessarily large; and in 1848 William Morris went to Marlborough, where his father had bought him a The direct primary law, however, which was passed immediately afterwards by the legislature, was declared unconstitutional by the supreme court of the state, as were a second law of the same sort passed soon afterwards and a third law of 1908, which provided for direct He was trained, partly at Paris, for the profession of architect, but his opportune assistance to two German nobles in a tavern brawl obtained for him a They provided (inter alia) for a non-official majority in all of the provincial councils, but not in that of the governor-general; for an elaborate system of election of members by organized constituencies; for His prominence as a candidate first for the presidential and then for the vice-presidential In the Republican national convention of 1876 he took an influential part in preventing the The most modest and one of the most illustrious of the founders of modern palaeontology, Lartet's work had previously been publicly recognized by his Moreover, it was an affront, in particular, for the sons of Walid I., who already had considered the His opposition to slavery, however, together with his popularity - won by the successes, hardships and dangers of his exploring expeditions, and by his part in the conquest of California - led to his The only certain fact is that Madison, whatever were his personal feelings in this matter, acted according to the wishes of a majority of the Republicans; but whether in doing so he was influenced by the desire of another It was not, however, until 1896, when he personally managed the canvass that resulted in securing the Republican presidential In the older and larger towns it soon went beyond what the bishops thought proper to tolerate; conflicts ensued; and in the 13th century several bishops obtained decrees in the imperial court, either to suppress the Rat altogether, or to make it subject to their The National Democratic Convention declared for the immediate opening of the mints to the free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio with gold of 16 to 1; and it nominated for the presidency William Jennings Bryan of Nebraska, who also received the In the same year he brought to an end the investiture struggle in England, in which Anselm, archbishop of Canterbury, had been engaged with King Henry I., by retaining himself exclusive right to invest with the ring and crozier, but recognizing the royal In 1920 he was a prominent candidate for the presidential When Bute retired and George Grenville accepted the cares of official life, the higher post of first lord of the admiralty fell to Townshend's lot, but with his usual impetuosity he presumed to designate one of his satellites, Sir William Burrell (1732-1796), to a place under him at the board, and the refusal to accept the Pillow, Polk's intimate friend, did much to bring about the In 1888 in the National Republican convention he was a candidate for the presidential In 1848, Zachary Taylor, a Mexican War hero, and hardly even a convert to the Whig party, defeated Clay for the the royal family, and contributors of £50o or more to the funds), of the council of almoners (which administers the endowments), or of certain of the city companies; (2) by competition, on the At last, when the competition for the Grand Prix came on, Delaroche gave Millet to understand that he intended to secure the His attitude on this question made him very popular in America, and he was a strong, but unsuccessful, candidate for the Democratic In the national Republican nominating conventions of 1880 and 1884 he was a candidate for the presidential While both sides were preparing for extremities, Balmaceda administered the government under dictatorial powers with a congress of his own In March 1849 he became secretary of state in the cabinet of President Zachary Taylor, to whose Charles expressed his willingness to consent to the handing over of the administration to the control of a Protestant, in the case of a Roman Catholic sovereign, but the Opposition insisted on Charles's (For the ancient magisterial office of consul see separate article above.) Dictionary thinking and behaving as if you are younger than you really are Example from the Hansard archive. Nevertheless, attrition is the mechanism by which nominations are won. Nominations are welcome from any organisation or individual bearing in mind the range of expertise needed by the panel to fulfil its functions.

Example from the Hansard archive.

We shall have a complex task, because no doubt the nominations will be numerous. Mr. Obama told CBS television he takes the plan blame for the bungled Daschle nomination.

Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the French Translation of “nomination” | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. Example from the Hansard archive.