The Celt tries to finish the fight with a stab, but the Immortal rolls out of the way.

Alexander approaches Attila and is promptly stabbed through the neck. The head Musketeer alerts his comrades, forcing them all to run back to avoid the arrows.

The two Green Berets make their way to another room, where they hear another Spetsnaz soldier trying to scare them away with gunfire. in victory. He then punches the last one in the face and throws it against a wall, killing it. The Spartan smashes him away with his Shield then stabs him again with the short sword. They survey the area for potential targets. (Long live the King!) As he slows down, he is swarmed from all sides by zombies that try to hold him down. One of the Spetsnaz busts the lock with the butt of his AK-74 carbine and opens the gate to let his fellow soldiers in.

The Samurai gets up and grabs his naginata. The battle begins with the Shaolin Monk training in a field when he hears someone making loud noises.

The Ninja jumps onto a tree and prepares to leap at the Spartan with his sword, but the Spartan impales the Ninja on his sword and pins him to the tree, stabbing him to death and yelling "Sparta". As the Taliban member enters the bus, the I.R.A.

He pulls out his iklwa and thrusts at Wallace, who dodges and swings his war hammer at Shaka's legs. The Samurai stops briefly to regain his strength, but the Spartan draws his Short Sword and stabs the Samurai's ear.

The Musketeer hears a yell and turns around, only to find the head Ming Warrior standing on a cliff above him and also armed with a Dao, swinging it wildly. The sniper finishes rigging up a Claymore landmine, but is stopped dead in his tracks by the SOF's rifle fire. The Ranger takes aim and takes out the sniper. The knight reaches the top first and William engages him.

He soon is overwhelmed and runs back to the corridor where the rest of the zombies have begun to come through the other exits, blocking all paths of escape. The Spartans however were equipped with the finest military technology of the time, seven throwing dildo's and of course who could ever forget ... well thats another story entirely.The Buccaneers sail to Japan where they buy katanas that will cut through the Spartan shields and armor like butter.okay.. here we go the 1on1 is at the beach the other fight is their famous last stand at the hot gates vs a pirate ship near the shore and however many pirates want to get off and engage them in battle..Spartan's have spears and javelins; they have a further reach than those unreliable canons and are 700% more accurate. He turns around to see the Green Beret enter the room with his E-tool held loosely at his side.

The Comanche assumes a battle stance while the Mongol gathers himself and his Glaive. He throws it aside and pulls out his Rapier. The lead Gurkha sneaks up behind him and brings his kukri blade down, cutting through the legionnaire's kepi and into his skull.

Out of breath, the lead vampire attempts to leave through an exit door, but retreats back inside as he sees the dawn breaking in front of him.

Sun Tzu jumps down from the tree, but is promptly stabbed in the thigh by Vlad's halberd. The Mongol pushes the War Hawk away as the Comanche gets it out and front kicks the Comanche, knocking him to the ground. Wallace ducks under the axe and blocks with his targe. One VC concentrates its fire and kills a Nazi soldier with his MAT-49 submachine gun.

She throws the offending zombie at the wall and stomps another one dead before dying of blood loss herself, leaving the leader to fight 50 zombies on his own. The Gurkha recovers and moves out of the way, causing the legionnaire's Callimus to get stuck in a log that was behind the Gurkha. The Comanche stomps on the glaive, breaking it as the Mongol gets back up and unsheathes his Ild. The Rangers waste no time and quickly kill the attacker, sending him over the railing. A samurai squeezed the trigger on a Tanegashima musket, firing off a shot that took down one of the pirates with a round to the chest. Shaka rolls away and waits with his iklwa and axe in hand for Wallace, who draws his claymore. When he passes by, the Spetsnaz commander quickly gets up and shoots him with his AK-74. The modern elimination block included the Pirate, Mafia, Spetznaz, and IRA. The Mongol starts to ride to the abandoned horse when the Comanche ambushes him by tackling him from a rock, throwing him from his horse. The Spartan quickly blocks the sword with the shield. The GSG9 also split up, with each team going into different buildings.

The Mongol swings his glaive but is parried by the Comanche's War Lance. Reloading, the third Norman takes out the crossbow knight who was with Joan with a fatal shot to the eye.

The Celt runs up to the fallen vehicle and grabs his Lancea, choosing to abandon his shield. He throws the ball at the Spartan, who blocks with his shield. He slashes the SEAL's throat and stabs it into his chest. The Samurai sheathes his katana and limps off into the distance. The Musketeer hurls the Grenade over the rock, which blows up and kills the Ming Warrior.

Shaka then swings his iklwa and slashes across Wallace's stomach. The Ninja tries to pull the kusarigama away from the Spartan, but the Spartan keeps a firm grip. The Taliban member sees the bomb and tries harder to open the door. The SEAL behind the turbine pops out and shoots a Commando in the head with his Colt Commando.

The Ozutsu is a large, hand-cannon type matchlock weapon that could be loaded with a variety of ammunition, including lead balls and arrows. From the late 12th century onwards, Samurai warlords, … He fires an arrow in retaliation and hits the Aztec Jaguar. Inside the basement, the SEALs break off into a 2-man unit and a 3-man unit, while a 3-man unit of Commandos heads into the basement.

The I.R.A. An African legionnaire quickly re-cocks his bolt action MAS and fires, killing a Gurkha.