Example from the Hansard archive. The absence of this rationale makes it impossible to estimate other parties' strategies, which is the most important part of the context they require for rational nominations. Thanks! There were to be certain nominations, and efforts were to be made to secure representation of various views. 180. Teacher and peer nominations assessed school adjustment at the end of first grade. The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. Even when dealing with voluntary organisations time is needed for nominations to be made and elections to take place. The sentence contains offensive content. 2. I wanted appointments from nominations of the angling associations themselves. Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the In December of that year the Whigs, relying upon his record in Congress as a sufficient declaration of political faith, nominated him for vice-president on the ticket with William Henry Harrison, expecting that the The majority of the annexationists, however, would not support him, and he had further to meet the opposition of Van Buren, who had failed to secure the He was about to go on leave of absence in order to be married in Baltimore when he received his In France, under the Concordat, the sovereign - and under the republic the president - had the right of In 1905 the latter was nominated grand master, but the pope reserves the joint right of Gresham was a candidate for the Republican presidential In common with the rest of the "Stalwarts," he worked hard for the In 1855 he took a prominent part in organizing the Republican party in Pennsylvania, and in 1856 was a delegate to the Republican National Convention, in which he opposed the Consequently where the right of patronage (the right of the patron to present to the bishop the person whom he has nominated to become rector or vicar of the parish to the benefice of which he claims the right of advowson) remains attached to the manor, it is called an advowson appendant, and passes with the estate by inheritance The distinction between Sandys, Constitution of Athens c. 8 note 1, c. 22 § 5, note); in fact, at a date not known the mixed system of Aristides gave place to double sortition, in which the first In 1824 he failed to secure re-election, and occupied himself with his judicial duties until his The succession is vested in the heirs male of Leopold I., and should they ever make complete default the throne will be declared vacant, and a national assembly composed of the two chambers elected in double strength will make a fresh In 1894" a new article numbered 61 was inserted in the constitution providing that " in default of male heirs the king can nominate his successor with the assent of the two chambers, and if no such Meanwhile from 1692 onwards brighter prospects were opened out to the unfortunate Belgians by the In 1896 he became vicar of Portsea, when his success in administering a large working-class parish led in 1901 to his The Illinois State Convention of the Republican party, held at Decatur on the 9th and 10th of May 1860, amid great enthusiasm declared Abraham Lincoln its first choice for the presidential On the third ballot the 502 votes formerly given to Simon Cameron' were given to Lincoln, who received 2312 votes to 180 for Seward, and without taking another ballot enough votes were changed to make Lincoln's total 354 (2 33 being necessary for a choice) and the the placetum regium, recursus ab abusu, nominatio regia, afid that of vetoing the Although, with the exception of Seward, he was the most prominent Republican in the country, and had done more against slavery than any other Republican, he failed to secure the Toward the end of his life he gradually drifted back toward his old Democratic position, and made an unsuccessful effort to secure the At the Democratic National Convention in 1920 he had strong support for the presidential His power was now already considerable; and in 1788 he added to it by securing his The Bondevenlige, or philo-peasant party, which objected to the king's right of He nominates the Sheikh ul-Islam or mufti (q.v.)
With the rising salience of judicial nominations to party agendas, respect for the norm might be eroding. Duration analysis is the best model for the attrition game that characterizes presidential nominations over the past three decades. Example from the Hansard archive.