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I’ve never been to a desert before either.I love being able to see history. The fort measuring 56.11 m X51.77 m is made of mud brick with thick walls given the fact that its function was one of resisting the onslaught of marauding invaders. However, the experience of visiting actual excavation sites where one can actually have an immersive experience of long-lost chapters of the history of Man is on a different level altogether. What a blessing it would be to travel here.This reminds me of Egypt! Nowhere else in the United Arab Emirates can you discover such important historical sites.

A visit to Mleiha allows you to step back in time and learn a whole host of information about the settlers in the region during the Palaeolithic, Neolithic, Bronze, Iron, pre-Islamic, Islamic and modern ages, and discovering these ages advantages including their:Visit Mleiha for an adventure deep into the deserts of Sharjah where you can uncover the secrets of the region’s ancient Bedouin culture.

I would love to go hiking in the Jebel Faya mountain and unearth archaeological treasures!

The museum looks very interesting and I cannot believe how old the artefacts are.Some times I just like to move away from the common landcspaes and soak myself up in history and archeology. Your first stop in this ancient history expedition is going to be The Mleiha Fort, a 2000-year-old structure that once served as a symbol of might, and dates back to the late pre-Islamic period.

Here you can visit some of the most interesting museums in Malta - fortress museums, as well as chic palaces and villas, amazing churches and chapels and natural parks. Ed-Dur Site is one of the of the largest archaeological sites in the United Arab Emirates, overlooks Al Beidha Lake.

Excavations in the Inland basin of the Mleiha region in the past 20 years have revealed ample traces of the remnants of the Bronze Age civilization.The Bronze Age Civilization in the Mleiha region is supposed to date back to around 3000 BCE and is further subdivided into phases based on the findings from the different excavations sites in Mleiha.The metal vessels and ornaments on display tell a silent story of the ingenuity of Man as far back as 3000 BCE. I would love to travel here and learn all about it.What a beautiful place and with so much history behind it!

I’ve always been interested in archaeology. let us embark on a quick journey across the frontiers of time.More than 2 million years ago early man started making and using simple and crude stone instruments signaling the advent of what we now call the Paleolithic Period or Stone Age.

Discover something unique every time with our ongoing excavation programme, which ensures there’s always a new treasure waiting to be unearthed.This new visitor attraction in the Emirate of Sharjah blends history, nature and culture with exceptional quality and warm hospitality to create a unique leisure experience in a spectacular natural setting.Meliha is a story that’s still being told so come and discover the undiscovered.Nowhere else in the United Arab Emirates can you discover such important historical sites. There are three Bronze Age tombs at this site which are identified archaeologically as FAY-NE20, 21, and 22.The largest of these tombs is NE20 which measures approximately 6.9 m X 6.2 m. Traces of human bones, shards of pottery, bronze artifacts, and beads from a necklace kind of adornment have been found at this tomb.The Stone Age too has left its footprints on the desert sands  of time and these are visible in a number of sites at Jebel FayaIn 1990, when a crew of workers were digging for a laying a pipeline they stumbled upon a fort which was part of the ancient city of Mleiha and constructed sometime towards the end of the 3rd century CE.

What an incredible place! Whether its indulging in a desert safari or observing a 65 million year old rock or visiting pre historic caves and shelters, Mleiha amazed me at every turn.

Would love taking a jeep tour there as well! My husband and I would love to visit. The Mleiha Archaeological Centre looks like a lot of fun.

I would be all over those outdoor adventures for sure – riding the dunes on a quad bike is right up my street.

I learn so much from reading your post. Venture deep into the deserts of Sharjah and uncover the secrets of the region’s ancient Bedouin culture through intriguing information, exhilarating recreational activities and breath-taking natural landscapes. I must say the archeological centre is well preserved. who knows? Looks breath taking. I would love to see these artifacts in person.Wow, this is such a beautiful place where you can a learn a lot through their archaeological displays and info.

I’d love to visit some of the sites of MleihaAh, I visited Maleiha earlier this year and am yet to write about it – wonder why. I always wanted to be an archaeologist when I was little. Soooo cool….

The site is associated with Meliha site in the Emirate of Sharjah, with which it had strong ties. The Mleiha sites look gorgeous.