
In 2011, it restricted the role of recommendations in hiring and promotions; set forth a detailed process for the hiring and promotion of court officers; and increased the Supreme Judicial Court’s oversight of the Court Administrator.“With this lawsuit, we seek to remove the shroud of secrecy that currently keeps the Trial Court’s employment practices hidden from public view,” said Oren M. Sellstrom, Litigation Director of the Lawyers’ Committee. Although those convictions were later vacated, the appeals court noted that "the actions of the defendants may well be judged distasteful, and even contrary to Massachusetts's personnel laws."

The diverse backgrounds, perspectives and experiences of our lawyers and staff contribute to the exceptional senior level service we deliver to clients ranging from startups to multinational companies to sovereign states. Pillsbury was featured in the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area’s (LCCRSF) pro bono spotlight on the firm’s current pro bono advances across LCCRSF’s Racial, Economic and Immigrant justice programs — stepping up leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic and Black Lives Matter movement.

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Jake Foley-Keene Economic Justice Intern at Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Washington D.C. Metro Area 77 connections Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. Save attorney bios to the Bio Folder to email page links or generate a PDF containing all of your saved pages.

155 Seaport Boulevard “We are particularly concerned that minority women are not being hired and promoted at rates that would be expected under a fair and equitable process.”The Trial Court has not yet formally responded to the lawsuit, but two days after the filing voluntarily disclosed some of the documents requested while maintaining its position that the Trial Court is not covered by the public records law. 20006-5350

Seaport West We handle major law reform cases as well as legal actions on behalf of individuals.

Please join the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and Economic Justice for a groundbreaking civil rights conference at Suffolk Law School. 02210-2600

An independent counsel appointed by the Supreme Judicial Court found “a systemic abuse and corruption of the hiring and promotion processes of the Probation Department.” A Task Force appointed to comprehensively review hiring and promotion procedures in the judicial branch found a problem that extended beyond the Probation Department and was rooted in a lack of transparency. If you would like to discuss becoming a client, please contact one of our attorneys to arrange for a meeting or telephone conference.

The filing asked the Supreme Judicial Court to order the release of information on the impact of the Trial Court’s employment practices on employees of color. The Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and Economic Justice is a private, non-profit, non-partisan legal organization that provides pro bono legal representation to victims of discrimination based on race or national origin. We also engage in public policy advocacy, community legal education, community economic development, and other legal services that further the cause of civil rights.Please call Monday -Friday, 9:00 am and 5:00 pm or apply online at any time. Sellstrom called the release “inadequate” and said that the fact that it came only after the lawsuit was filed “underscores the problem.”In a move reflecting the importance of transparency and accountability at the Trial Court, the case has been filed directly with the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court.

Copyright Use the folder to collect pages throughout our website. It asks for records showing the race and gender of individuals hired and promoted as court security officers over the past several years, as well as information on hiring and promotion practices.The Lawyers' Committee request for records on the Trial Court’s demographics and employment practices in June 2016 was rejected by the Trial Court, which stated that as part of the judicial branch it does not have to comply with the public records law.Foley Hoag attorneys Julia Huston, David Kluft and “There is a strong public interest in permitting access to these records,” Huston said.

1301 Avenue of the Americas The lawsuit cites the recent Probation Department scandal and ongoing concerns about non-merit based employment practices in the Trial Court. Our mission is to provide a safeguard for the civil, social, and economic liberties of residents in Greater Boston and throughout Massachusetts. Thank you for your interest in Foley Hoag. 1717 K Street, N.W. If you wish to disclose confidential information to a lawyer in the firm before an attorney-client relationship is established, the protections that the law firm will provide to such information from a prospective client should be discussed before such information is submitted.

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“The records requested by the Lawyers’ Committee are clearly administrative, rather than judicial, in nature, and are expected to show the extent to which factors other than merit may be infecting the hiring of court officers.

The Committee’s mission is to provide a safeguard for the civil,social,and economic liberties of residents in Greater Boston and throughout Massachusetts.