The organisation’s statement says peace between Israel and the Palestinians requires the end of the occupation and for Israel for accept its responsibility for refugees, claims Israel’s “repressive policies” are breeding hate and adds violence against all civilians is unacceptable. Sign this, and join me in bringing justice to Iyad.This petition starter stood up and took action. I believe there is a problem of anti-Semitism on the left and I believe that JFJFP is more part of this problem than it is part of the solution.”He added: “Anti-Semitism hurts Jews and this is a good reason for Jews to be vigilant against it. In reality, Iyad was unarmed. In 2016, the same news circulated to no factual evidence. A petition for your consideration as follows: 'Facebook's massive media monopoly is one of Israel's favorite ways to censor and control political debate in Palestine. A petition for your consideration as follows: 'Facebook's massive m... edia monopoly is one of Israel's favorite ways to censor and control political debate in Palestine. Our concern is that some very vocal supporters of Israel are misusing the issue of antisemitism to shut down legitimate criticism of Israel’s actions towards the Palestinians.”Academic quits Jews for Justice for Palestinians, saying: ‘They’re part of the problem’A JFJFP banner at an anti-Israel demonstration (Source: Jews for Justice for Palestinians on Facebook) How many more mothers have to get home after a long day of work only to be informed that their son is dead as a result of an abuse of power?
Growing list of church leaders and justice advocates sign on to the call. Academic quits Jews for Justice for Palestinians, saying: ‘They’re part of the problem’ David Hirsh claims the organisation is 'more … The full measure of justice, upon which the hopes of all humanity depends, requires no less. This petition comes from Kairos Palestine and its partner movements, Global Kairos for Justice. Will you do the same? And it undermines the purpose of JFJFP.”His decision comes after all signatories were approached to make submissions to Labour’s inquiry into anti-Semitism. It also urges the numerous international organizations to pay more attention to the injustice occurring in many conflicted regions of the world - Palestine of course being included.Signing this petition, only takes a minute or two and yet, could make a huge difference. This is not the first time this hoax spreads. Consequently, the officers opened fire, and Iyad died.This man is one of many Palestinians to be unjustly murdered.
Our Promise: Welcome to Care2, the world’s largest community for good. He is not the first, and if we do not demand reform and change, he will not be the last. The police officers having committed the murder, justify his killing by claiming to have seen an object resembling a pistol in his possession. This petition strives to push the Israeli government to arrest the officers at fault as well as to reform their justice system. Iyad Halak, a 32-year-old autistic Palestinian man, was shot dead whilst on his way to his special needs school. In this petition, Global Kairos for Justice, a partner of Kairos Palestine, asks to the world to support its call to action, to sign the petition and to be partners in local and regional events on or around May 15, 2019. Download it here. Such accusations undermine our ability to tackle genuine anti-Semitism, and have a dangerous and ‘chilling’ effect on discussion about Israel/Palestine.”The group also called for supporters to oppose the role endorsed by the Jewish labour Movement – “an explicitly Zionist organisation” – to provide training about Jew hatred.Following the publication of a report into allegations of intimidation at the Oxford University Labour Club last month, the Free Speech on Israel website features a statement – which directs media to JFJFP figures including a founder member – accuses JLM of being “one of the Zionist organisations responsible for the false allegations”.The report found there was no “institutional anti-Semitism” in the Club but a “cultural” problem meant some Jewish students not feeling welcome. To make matters worse, the young Palestinian could not defend himself as a result of his neurological condition. Their rank should not protect them.Although many of us do not personally experience injustices such as these often, it is our responsibility to use our privilege to be the voice of those lacking one. Academic David Hirsh today demanded his name be removed from its supporters list after condemning the organisation’s response to the recent scandal surrounding the Labour party and claimed it had become “wholly hostile” to Zionists.

Global Kairos for Justice Petition. Take action and tell your representative to stop taking campaign contributions from Elbit.