Use these tips from well-known psychologist Dr. Peter Scales to stay connected, involved and help players be ready once seasons resume.

They yelled and screamed at the players as loud as possible. Sometimes, we see it in ourselves. But watch him on the sidelines—he is shouting, not screaming. Chargers coach Anthony Lynn and UCLA men's basketball coaching legend John Wooden.
It was a sort of megaphone. Many of the sports leadership principles can be applied in parenting. John Wooden's eight essentials for great practice.

He discerns when inspiration is most needed.Seth Davis also reveals that the notoriously disciplined and controlled John Wooden struggled to manage his own sideline behavior throughout his career. I get emotional during games, and when I have coached teams, I can hardly contain my competitive spirit. 1. He said: “I think the coach’s job is to prepare players to play and then let … He was more apt to put his arm around the shoulder of his player than yell at them. Because we knew the practice would stop promptly at 5:29 p.m. without exception, he felt he could maintain the intensity level throughout the session and we would be willing to extend ourselves.Excerpted with permission from the book: Championship Performance Coaching Volume 1: Legendary Coaching Wisdom on Leadership, Motivation and Practice Plans to Achieve Your Dream Season. At times he was known to bring in other UCLA students to simulate noise in the gym. Basically, he yells when his team is up (winning), and he’s trying to improve already good outcomes. By the standards of the Basketball Hall of Fame, his own success was unprecedented. John Robert Wooden (October 14, 1910 – June 4, 2010) was an American basketball player and head coach at the University of California, Los Angeles. Stories are carefully curated to bring subscribers only the best quality content and news. […] it’s time to evaluate the performance, steal a page from John Wooden’s playbook: debrief their development rather than whether they won or lost. He simulates the stress of the game during practice, and then demonstrates a fatherly image during competition. And it worked. That’s exactly why I created our new ebook.

So he taught them everything, from putting their socks on correctly to avoid blisters to how to carry yourself before and after a game. Published by Championship Performance. If his team is down, he claps and shouts encouragement—even when things go wrong (a missed field goal; an opposing team’s interception, etc.). Wooden was named the national coach of the year 6 times. When I asked what their top challenges …If you’re like most of our readers, you’re committed to preparing the emerging generation for real-life opportunities and challenges. His face is red; his mouth is wide open, contorted, and his veins are about to pop out. "He strongly believed in ending practices on time; otherwise players might hold back, anticipating the need for energy reserves if the practice was extended.

Wooden had been invited to speak to Lynn’s Denver Broncos during the 2000 season by the team chaplain, a friend of the retired UCLA basketball coach. One element about Coach Wooden stands out for me. But, athletes can tell when you speak from “belief.” Research tells us that when offering hard feedback, the wording and tone means everything: “I’m giving you this feedback because I have high expectations of you, and I know you can reach them.”John Wooden was known for explaining the “why” behind the standards and conduct he expected from his players. his behavior at that moment is more entertaining than the game on the field.Believe it or not, I can identify with this kind of coaching. The John R. Wooden Award is given annually to college basketball’s most outstanding men’s and women’s player Committee also honors one men’s or women’s head coach annually with the John R. Wooden Legends of Coaching Award; The court at UCLA’s Pauley Pavilion is named the “John & Nell Wooden Court” in honor of he and his wife
He equips his team to manage stress by being tougher on them in practice, as they master the process, than during the games, when they enjoy the fruit of their labor.

He conditioned his players to listen to him through his wise and empathetic nature.Wooden was known for rolling up a program and holding it to his mouth during games. Nicknamed the "Wizard of Westwood," he won ten NCAA national championships in a 12-year period as head coach at UCLA, including a record seven in a row.No other team has won more than four in a row in Division I college men's or women's basketball. This conditioned them to assume: He’s always got a good reason for what he makes us do. (Getty Images) Anthony Lynn was just a rookie NFL assistant coach on the day that John Wooden forever changed his approach to his craft.. As a coach, that spirit often surfaces through yelling and screaming.The numbers tell us, however, that this coaching style is counter-productive with Over the last eight days, I’ve met with three Division 1 NCAA athletic departments.

He taught his players that, if they get the process of preparation right, the games will take care of themselves.

John Wooden was known as a “practice coach.” The reason for this description is because he focused on the process—not the game. It was a flow of words that ramped up the player’s passion, instead of beating it down.

During practice, you’ll need to raise your voice; practice should be tougher than the game. Who knows—he may even throw his headset on the ground. We’ve all seen it. It was not uncontrollable anger or rage.

He could communicate with his team this way, amidst the noise of the crowd. Controlled emotion is good; uncontrolled emotion is destructive.Great coaches believe this. Wooden was also the first person ever enshrined as a […] Watch Nick Saban. He taught his players that, if they get the process of preparation right, the games will take care of themselves.

They could hear him and follow his direction in the worst of noisy arenas—and he went on to win ten NCAA championships.Speak from belief. The cameras stay on him because, well .

His relationship with Wooden, the most successful college basketball coach in …