Kürzlich brachte mir ein guter Freund sein Microsoft Surface RT zur Reparatur vorbei. Make sure the device is charged fully or has at least 50% of battery life left.1. Connect your device to your PC via USB cable. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Da das Mainboard einen irreparablen Schaden, ich… Weiterlesen → Abgelegt unter: ARM, Jailbreak, Microsoft, RT, Surface, Update, x86.
12. Make sure that you download apps only from trusted sources, otherwise, you’ll end up getting virus-infected apps.According to the developer, the device remains in jailbroken status until you reboot it. 3. Teens say Apple is done, Surface and Galaxy are cool. Once copied, disconnect the device from your PC.7. von Carsten Drees am 13. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Please check with the original thread to see if there’s a newer version of the tool available that solves this issue.My Surface comes up with the message, “ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value” and I am left clueless about what to do next.
Jailbreaking the Microsoft Surface RT: 1. Von CTHTC im Forum Windows Phone Hacking Vorerst habe ich mich gefreut dann merkte ich das ich nicht ein einziges Google Produkt nutzen konnte. Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window) Februar 2019 Christian 2 Kommentare.
Place the Jailbreak Tool archive on the Desktop of your PC.4.
Jailbreak RT takes advantage of a hack that was published just a few days prior by someone by the name of C.L.
A jailbreak, however, is available now that will free Windows RT tablets (like the Microsoft Surface with Windows RT) so they can act like full-fledged laptops. In other Microsoft news: Samsung says no to making a Windows RT device. RT Jailbreak Tool (It’s attached in the first post) III. The following guide shows how you can jailbreak the Microsoft RT tablet and remove the restrictions imposed by the manufacturer.1. Ganz … Once you reboot the device, you’ll have to follow the jailbreaking procedure once again to install unsigned apps!If you need help with this procedure, please ask in the comments below or in the Well, it shouldn’t produce any errors.
This doesn’t void the warranty as the jailbreaking goes away each time you reboot the device.2. Microsoft Surface RT: Jailbreak leicht gemacht mit dem RT Jailbreak Tool. ... WPVision.de ist Deine Community im Bereich Windows Phones und Windows Tablets. Extract files from the archive to your Desktop. Kürzlich brachte mir ein guter Freund sein Microsoft Surface RT zur Reparatur vorbei. Agree to the Terms and Conditions shown on the screen.Great! Help would be VERY much appreciated It’s been a while since we did the procedure above, so there may be some changes in the method to jailbreak the device on a new software version.We’d highly recommend you to follow the original thread (link given at the bottom of the post) to know if there’s something (new) you should know to jailbreak your device.How do you put the jailbreak device on your desktopHello Mahesh makvana I am receiving ((error the system was unable to find the specified registry ……. Jailbreaking the Surface RT will let you install unsigned apps available outside of the market, similar to Cydia for iPhone. Copy all the files you just extracted over to the storage of your device.5. Your Surface RT is now jailbroken and is compatible with the apps downloaded from outside the market. 4. Januar 2013. The word jailbreak was used only for the Apple devices until Microsoft launched the Surface RT tablet and now this device shares the same word with almost same work. Though Microsoft didn’t pay … Februar 2019 Christian 2 Kommentare.
Sorry falls die Frage total dumm war und das Kennwort irgendwo steht oder ich das selber festgelegt habe aber bitte helf mir jemand ein wenig auf die Sprünge Dazu wird das Windows RT 8.1 Development Tool verwendet, welches von dem User VNNGYN aus dem Forum der XDA-Developers (siehe Originalthread) erstellt wurde. Hallo liebe Leute, ich habe einen Surface RT 8.1 bekommen. If you’ve been holding the device in your hands and looking for a way to get the unsigned apps working, we can help you with that. Such hacking will really help Microsoft to boost their sales of the tablet and have more conversation going on about the device at places like web forums and blogs. Generation mit Windows 8.1 RT. Jailbreak für das Surface RT. 5. Hier folgt die Anleitung zum "Jailbreaken" eines Surface der 1./2. Durch das "Jailbreaken" ist es u. a. möglich Desktop-Anwendungen für ARM, welche nicht aus dem Store stammen, auszuführen. Da das Mainboard einen irreparablen Schaden, ich… Weiterlesen → Abgelegt unter: ARM, Jailbreak, Microsoft, RT, Surface, Update, x86.