If I had appeared on TV speaking Thai that would have made me a massive hit with the Thai people.When the season was green lit I was starting to get stressed as the casting call did not go to Australia – the only place I had casting contacts in, I knew that castings for Gregor were taking place ande I know some of the other guys who tried out for the role but I did not know how to get in front of the casting people. Afterwards when I was training with Buster and Rory and I saw the “Making of” crew had arrived I took my shirt off and continued training until I saw them setting up camera. The answer just came to me, it was in my subconscious as at the time at school we were also choosing our elected subjects for the next two years which would pave the way for entry to University and our entire lives.Anyway it seems my subconscious had chosen a path outside the curriculum, and it excited me to think about it.

Even saying that I’ll still eat pretty much every 3 hours instead of every 2 so there is always a discipline there, even when I am at my worst.Though after years it becomes more of a habit than discipline, and I get hungry every 2 hours so I have to eat, it is not that I always want to but I have conditioned my body to feed like this. 7 years ago. To enhance my chances I did a size comparison with a 5’10” 200lb friend with my shirt off to emphasize my physique.If I was to play Gregor I needed the casting people to know that not only was I tall that I was scary big.I did not get the part, obviously I was not really a suitable candidate, but…..After the first season was ordered, did they call you back to audition for Gregor, and if so, do you recall what your audition scene was?Now here is an interesting story, I am glad you asked this. Kurt GödelSeems Stevens has been asked about the Gregor role a number of times over the last 6 years, while , as far as I know, Clive Mantle has never been approached for an interview about Great Jon. It might also be that I read a lot when I was young. Conan Stevens is a former Australian wrestler who became an actor and scriptwriter. I have developed my own theories, which are extensions or more specifically extrapolations of my own personality. Previous Seasons. The correct answer is far more pragmatic! So when my mates asked what I wanted to do I told them I wanted to be a Professional Wrestler like Hulk Hogan and use the fame from that to cross over into action movies like Arnold made. When I heard that they’d take my audition I thought they must be really having a hard time filling this role. Having said this my idea was to get in front of the casting people in any way possible so that they would remember me later for the part of Gregor. The fight is choreographed as you do the fight. Knowing and understanding food, I very, very rarely put junk into my body. It is almost like a drug hit in the middle of the gym, and it is a ‘hit’ I can actually feel the sudden release once my exercise hits a certain intensity. Many months later—after a pilot was ordered, after it was considered, after a second season was green lit—he landed the part he set out to get. News & Updates. General Discussion. I knew my height and physique I attract attention.As soon as they set up camera I asked Buster to stop for a moment, dropped down did a set of pushups (about 50) and got up pumped (blood goes into the muscle improving the shape and size temporarily) so they had something more interesting to film and to catch the attention of fans who were into muscle.

I remember the school I was in had a Careers Advisor whom we all had a private interview with at about 15-16. I was online most days trying to work out a strategy to get me noticed quickly before they chose someone else. Conan Stevens And Nathan Jones To Battle It Out In The New Thai Movie Som Tam - Pattaya Papaya; BIG ARMS! Pragmatically, it is much easier to kill a baby than to fight that same child as a young man bent on vengeance when you are 20 years older.So, that aspect just reinforces Gregor as a professional soldier to me. Often times I let loose and sleep in until like 8am!!!

Conan Stevens was one of the first actors that came to the attention of fans in association with the production, ... At 16 years old some mates got some old magazines and started weight lifting in their basement, they took me to see the movie Conan the Destroyer starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. Was he more interesting as you delved a bit into what happened with him in future novels?I read all the (available) books before I started filming to get as much background as I could and to figure out what made Ser Gregor such an angry man. What was the process of trying it on for the first time like, and how was it when you were filming the tourney scene?The armour was heavy and it was extremely well built. Character Discussions. The trouble being Gregor is that there is not really much background for him, nor enough insight into what his thought process is. For that reason I liked the role.As Big Mike in Hong Kong says “There are no small roles, only small actors.” And if an actor plays a role well and gathers public support for his character it would not be the first time a role was expanded upon. I got pretty confused, thinking "who is this other … Sandbox. I didn't know they had replaced him. As I said, I had auditioned for Khal Drogo, and more interestingly my audition application was accepted. The killing babies and women… The killing of women and children is a rather common occurance thoughout ancient times, with many well know conquerers doing it. but it something I would like to have to present to future possible employers if required.One of the important thing to come out of your experience filming for this HBO production is that it adds a deal of lustre to your CV, at least in the eyes of some casting directors and producers. I did as I was asked but I did not take this too seriously as no matter how much I would love to have done a joust with a fall there was no way in hell the production would ever allow this.How would you compare the process of choreographing fights and stunts in this production with choreographing in Thai films?In Thailand and in China, India too actually, everything is done on the day. This is exactly the method we used when I worked with The armor you wore was very impressive, but it also looked quite heavy!