It has proven oil reserves of 1.7 Mt and proven gas reserves of 1.0 bcm as of 2018. Economic indicators: Annual historical economic indicators, energy security, energy efficiency and CO 2 emissions.

Another energy law adopted in 2011 further strengthens the RAE.The Centre for Renewable Energy Sources (CRES) is the national public body in ...Depa, the national gas company, is controlled by the State through HRADF (65%) and Helpe (35%).The State has failed several times to privatise 35% of the capital of Depa: a first time in 2003 (when Gas Natural withdrew its offer due to uncertainties about the future organisation of the gas market) and a second time in 2013 (when Gazprom withdrew its €900m bid). In early 2019, a ...Greece's hydrocarbon resources are negligible (this is subject to change with recent exploration activities launched in 2012). The description is composed by our digital data assistant.

The country has a high wind potential, but very little of it is exploited.In 2018, the price of electricity was €16.6c/kWh for households (-7% compared to 2018 and +438% compared to 2010) and €9c/kWh for industry (+2% compared to 2010). Greece in Figures.

The Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT) through the new quarterly publication Greece in figures, published in both the Greek and English languages, presents statistical data providing an updated demographic, social and economic picture of Greece in a clear and comprehensive manner..

56.89 billion kWh. Greece can partly provide itself with self-produced energy. Knoema is the most comprehensive source of global decision-making data in the world. With The Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change coordinates the energy policy and controls public companies.The Regulatory Authority for Energy (RAE) regulates the electricity and natural gas markets according to EU Directives. GREECE – 1 Taxing Energy Use 2018 Greece This note describes the taxation of energy use in Greece. Historical evolution allows to easily work with the data. A summary of Greece’s key energy developments in 2018 and prospects for all different energy areas is as follows. 2018 Key Data included in the excelsheet: . Electricity prices have been increasing by 6%/year on average between ...Total energy consumption per capita is 2.1 toe in 2018 (down from 2.7 toe in 2008), including around 5 200 kWh of electricity (5 300 kWh in 2008); it is 31% lower than the EU average (3.1 toe). Since the mid-1990s, prices have remained below the EU average, but that gap has been closing in recent years (from 33% below in 2006 to 12% below in 2017). That is 91% of the countries own usage. The hydro potential is estimated at 84 TWh/year. 2019. World and regional statistics, national data, maps and rankingsLatest releases of new datasets and data updates from different sources around the worldCurated by Knoema’s data analysts to deliver leading short-term and long-term indicators and forecasts from trusted sources for each of the covered industries.Our Insights blog presents deep data-driven analysis and visual content on important global issues from the expert data team at Knoema.Quick data summaries and visualizations on trending industry, political, and socioeconomic topics from Knoema’s database.Search and explore the world’s largest statistical database to find data.Leverage our AI Workflow Tools and online data environment to manipulate, visualize, present, and export data.Integrate your data with the world’s data in a personalized and collaborative environment, purpose-built to support your organizational objectives.Greece primary energy consumption was at level of 1.17 quadrillion btu in 2017, up from 1.12 quadrillion btu previous year, this is a change of 4.29%.The Energy Information Administration includes the following in U.S. Primary Energy Consumption: coal consumption; coal coke net imports; petroleum consumption (petroleum products supplied, including natural gas plant liquids and crude oil burned as fuel); dry natural gas excluding supplemental gaseous fuels consumption; nuclear electricity net generation (converted to Btu using the nuclear plants heat rate); conventional hydroelectricity net generation (converted to Btu using the fossil-fueled plants heat rate); geothermal electricity net generation (converted to Btu using the geothermal plants heat rate), and geothermal heat pump energy and geothermal direct use energy; solar thermal and photovoltaic electricity net generation (converted to Btu using the fossil-fueled plants heat rate), and solar thermal direct use energy; wind electricity net generation (converted to Btu using the fossil-fueled plants heat rate); wood and wood-derived fuels consumption; biomass waste consumption; fuel ethanol and biodiesel consumption; losses and co-products from the production of fuel ethanol and biodiesel; and electricity net imports (converted to Btu using the electricity heat content of 3,412 Btu per kilowatthour).The Energy Data Brief offers key statistics designed to help energy market watchers anticipate and respond to developments in the energy sector as well as changes in related industries and investments.

It contains the country’s energy tax profiles, followed by country-specific information to complement the general discussion in Taxing Energy Use 2018 (OECD, 2018). Greece energy market analysis is derived from the most recent key economic indicators, supply and demand factors, oil & gas pricing trends and major energy issues and developments surrounding the energy industry. According to the European Commission, primary energy consumption declined by 0.7% in 2018 (-0.1% only for final energy consumption), which is insufficient to meet the 2020 targets. The highest annual reductions in primary energy consumption were posted in Belgium, Austria and Greece, whereas the largest increases were observed in Estonia, Latvia and Luxembourg. Energy production in Greece is dominated by the state owned Public Power Corporation (known mostly by its acronym ΔΕΗ, or in English DEI).

of electric energy per year.

The Greece market data since 1990 included in the Excel file is given below.

With a focus on oil, gas, coal and power markets, the report provides a complete picture of the country situation, dynamics, current issues and future prospects. The total production of all electric energy producing facilities is 52 bn kWh. Greece energy market report offers an incisive and reliable overview of the energy sector in Greece.

The significant decrease in consumption since 2008 is a result of the strong economic crisis.The coming years should see the application of the policy on the diversification of energy supplies and the penetration of natural gas.According to the EU References Scenario 2016 made by the European Commission (July 2016), total primary demand is likely to decrease moderately over the next two decades (-1.1%/year between 2015 and 2035). The analysis includes a comprehensive energy market report and updated Greece It has considerable lignite resources (2.9 Gt). Greece can leverage its economic recovery to accelerate emission reductions through energy efficiency and increased shares of natural gas and renewable energy in the energy mix. Per capita this is an average of 5,309 kWh. A key part of this process will be developing a strong and coherent national energy and climate plan for 2030 and beyond, as well as incorporating climate objectives into integrated energy planning.