And latter this afternoon we're going to be shimming, or we've already shimmed the base plates and we just going to be grouting up the pockets were the arch disappears into the wall and that will set it firm into the abutments.Tomorrow we're going to come back and start the rest of the work on the bridge, there's still about another 3 or 4 days work to do we think. The following is a quote from his autobiography:“In 1826 I was flavoured a letter from Mr. Wilkins saying that, if I still had a desire to be engaged as a clerk of the works, he had something which might suit me; and if I could meet him in the town of Huntingdon, he could there point out the duties I should have to perform if I entered into the engagement. Expert commentators writ… A new replica was built off-site in two parts and was installed on 15–16 February 2010.The town centre is approximately 1.1 miles (1.8 km) from The town of Huntingdon is accessed via the expansive meadow and railway station by foot or cycle.

Gallier had a successful career in America, his noteable achievements, which are now National Historic Landmarks include Gallier Hall, Pontalba Buildings, Government Street Presbyterian Church, the Leeds Davies Building, The Second Christ Church Catherdral, Barton Academy and Belle Helene.To record the replacement of the Chinese Bridge in 2010, the Porch Museum decided to record the removal and replacement of the bridge.

So its a mixture of woods, the lower arches which are doing most of the work are made out of a tropical hardwood called Green heart, which is just about as strong and durable as you can get in timber.As I say they're are the most highly stressed members in the bridge carrying pretty much all the load of theYesterdays tasks were to get the first half in line it up and measure it. "After completing his work in Huntingdon James Gallier returned to London and started work on the redevelopment of the Grosvenor Estate in Mayfair. To understand the degree of elation I at that time felt, a man must have started in life as I had done, on nearly the lowest rung of the social ladder, and have toiled his way painfully upward, even to the humble position I had then attained. The claims are believed to be false; a bridge in Queens' College, Cambridge, had the same urban myth. One of the town's largest public works of art and of landscaping is its Chinese Bridge, which connects to a water meadow.

Unfortunately Gallier became bankrupt and emigrated to America in 1832 with his family.

This article is about the town in England.
The bridge is made of exactly the same materials as the bridge we've just taken down last week. I became a member of a debating society and a social book club; I also joined a Masonic lodge, and, during my two years of my stay at Huntingdon, my knowledge of life and the ways of Society became much enlarged.I made a small wooden model of the gaol, so constructed that the roofs and upper storeys could be separately lifted up to show the interior divisions of all the yards , passages, rooms, and cells throughout the building this I sent to Mr. Wilkins, who was highly pleased with it.I was frequently called on by persons of the town and neighbourhood of Huntingdon to give plans for alterations to their houses; I also planned and superintended the erection of a small wooden bridge, of original deign, across a branch of the River Ouse at Godmanchester, and I now began to fancy myself a person of some little importance. The Chinese Bridge is a landmark of our town and has stood since 1827.

The bridge was removed by crane on 9 February 2010. It was quiet a tricky one to measure because there are 4 points of contact on each abutment and there's a lot of things to get true and lined up. I attended at the appointed time and place, and found he was about to build a prison for the county of Huntingdon.Having examined into my fitness for the situation, he engaged me at a salary of four pounds a week, to take charge of the plans, and to see that the work was performed by the contractor in accordance with the drawings and specification.I was delighted with my new situation, being the first appointment I ever had that held out a prospect of advancing my position in life; so, having returned to London and put my affairs in order, I took my family down to Huntingdon and soon had everything put into proper working condition.In a year after my marriage our first child was born, which was a boy, but he died early in infancy; our second was a girl, who lived to the age of four years our third was my dear James, the only one left now; he was born in Huntingdon on the 25My next neighbour at Huntingdon was Mr. Robert Carruthers, a literary man, who carried on the business of a book binder at the same time with the management of the county school.
All of the rest of the structure below deck level is Oak. For the town in Canada, see From Galliers’ autobiography he describes his time in Huntingdon and Godmanchester with joy and great sadness. Because of the way the new bridge has to fit i.e. We have a wide selection of dishes to choose from. The film also contains interviews and new details on James Gallier from Godmanchesters best liked historian Ken Sneath. The bridge is now in its forth generation. He published a history of Huntingdon and other works; and, having afterwards removed to Scotland, became editor and ultimately the proprietor of the “Inverness Courier” which he conducted with great ability for many years. We further investigate Godmanchesters second bridge linking The following links are extracts from the DVD showing interviews with David Brown and Christopher Vane Percy.Click the image below for a short gallery of Chinese Bridge PhotosMy name is Christopher Vane Percy I'm the seventh generation of my family to live in this house which was builtIn the middle of the 17th century Britain and northern Europe were gripped with China mania, this was due to the improved trade conditions with the far east and during the middle of the 18th century the rococo style which came into fashion was very much synonymous with Chinese Chippendale of which this bridge is a good sample of the style.By the end of the 18th century the neo classical style had taken over and the Chinese taste had faded. it needs to fit very tight against the existing abutments, it wasn't possible to install the bridge as a single piece so we had to bring it in in two parts.