We woke up to several amazon packages at the door this morning and he just could not believe they were for him.

I'm a 10th grade Social Studies teacher at a NYC public Title I high school.

They'll avoid talking to you. Just started and won't be paid for 2 weeks. Last time he got a cold we were in the hospital for a week. Just give it to them. Press J to jump to the feed. We are as generous as we can be when a loved one is in financial trouble, but we always make peace with the idea that we will never get that money … I just never knew strangers could care so much and I’m very much in awe of you all and this entire sub please know that you’ve all made one little boy feel like the most important kid in the worldI wish I could tag every single person but some things came without notes and some things came anon, just know that you are truly amazing souls , every single one of you that wrote and messaged and encouragedI'll keep this short. Things are a bit trickier if your friend or relative knows that you do have extra money to spare. When a friend, family member or organization asks you for a loan or donation, here's how to respond. ""Never loan your friend money. In June they asked me to come back and I told them I couldn’t yet but please give me more work because things were piling up at the office for when I came back and they still said no. You all stepped up when you did not have to, and held me up when I struggled as a parent and that’s something I can’t explain or ever repay.

He ended up moving out and you know what? Just give it to them. They'll avoid talking to you." So they then told me I had to come back or they weren’t going to hold my job anymore.I don’t know just how to express my gratitude to all the beautiful souls here that made my sons birthday the best it’s ever been. The look of pure joy on my boys face when he talks about his birthday now, it’s priceless. If you're not able to help at this time, simply spreading the word would be an enormous help!I am a single mom with 4 children. Both those guys are worthless and I learned an invaluable ($1400) lesson in life and friends.Thanks. I did work, but times were tight for me. Major thanks in advance if anyone is able to help. ""Just give it to them. Just give it to them. By Geoff Williams , Contributor Aug. 27, 2014 By Geoff Williams , … Lost my job due to no fault of my own because of the pandemic. My friend (26f) recently went on vacation for a week and a half with her kids and asked if I would housesit and petsit her animals. She has a dog, a cat, fish, chickens, a snake, and a chinchilla. That must have been very annoying to be around. Sharing my GoFundMe page is the best way of helping me reach my goal. Now I know how to get rid of my brother in law and it won't take much.He always said that? "If you ever want to stop being someone's friend, loan them money. "Yeah, that doesn't really answer my question." Will absolutely pay it forward.You must have a comment karma score of 400 to make a material or monetary request.Wait 72 hours between requests and 60 days between fulfilled requestsPress J to jump to the feed. He paid me back in full and he's still one of my best friends.Yeah, I think it's a bit much to say never lend freinds or family money, if they are you're friend then you should have a good idea what their financail situation is like.There's some freinds id happily lend £500-£1000 in the knowledge that they can easily afford to pay me back within a month or two, and others I wouldn't lend £10 to and expect it back, but happily give them £20 - £50 as a gift if they're desperate.Depends on the situation, it can be useful to use each other's current account as a float for short term use, I frequently borrow a few hundred and lend the same.You dodged a bullet.