It would appear that Van Metre's Fort, for instance, became a small settlement itself during the peak of raids in the Summer of 1777. It was a parallelogram, having a blockhouse at each corner, with lines of stout pickets, about eight feet high, extending from one block … Camp, West Virginia at Point Pleasant.Link's (John Ross)"I have another message from the commander-in-chief to you which is that you will not push the war into the enemies' country but defend you own in which he is ready to give you every assistance in his power. The frontier looked to the West and its opportunities for expansion, while the Native Americans ("Indians") and Europeans tried to protect their own interests. It was a small structure at first, but was enlarged in 1777 and the name changed to Fort Henry in honor of Patrick Henry.

The notes of Ebenezer Zane, long lost and suddenly revived by Zane Grey, were generally rejected by those who saw them, since Zane had confused incidents and otherwise contradicted other first-hand accounts. According to Zane, the Indians first demanded surrender, and, when rejected, assaulted the fort three times on September 11 and once on September 12. Connally , according to some accounts, left Fort Pitt with 100 men to help build the fort, but was harassed by a small raiding party of Indians, returned to Pitt, and then sent Crawford and McDonald with 400 men.A later version of the story has George Rogers Clark, of Lewis and Clark fame [the authors here have confused two Clarks: George Rogers Clark, who was a military leader in the Revolution, and William Clark who was co-leader of the Lewis and Clark expedition], involved in the construction. . Furman's Fort, West Virginia on South Branch of the Potomac. That drop was located at the northern end of G. C. Murphy Company [1109 Market St.]. Fort Henry, first named Fort Fincastle for the Viscount Fincastle, Lord Dunmore, Royal Governor of Virginia, but later renamed for Patrick Henry, was built out of necessity. The distinction is vital. Captain Pigman came with an unknown contingent; Colonel Zac Morgan and Major James Chew arrived with about 100 men; Captains Leach and Shannon came with about fifty men each; Captains Ogle and Mason had twenty-five; and there were about forty citizens already present. Bluefield Property Types. Grave Creek, Fort, West Virginia in Marshall County. After the September 1, 1777, attack, one man recalled that, "the men complained that the women kept so in their way of looking out the portholes they couldn't do a thing. Glade Hollow, Fort, West Virginia in Russell County. David Shepherd, for instance, kept detailed records of what he ordered from the East, and these provide a glimpse at the possessions of a frontiersman, albeit a rich one.Perhaps more might be learned by hearing portions of stories and letters which concern the frontier people.

list of forts, reservations, blockhouses, named camps, National Blockhouse, West Virginia on Middle Wheeling Creek.Martin's For instance, at the Battle of Point Pleasant, British and colonial militia together fought the Indians, but, by a couple of years later, what British were left in the area were fighting with the Indians and, often, inciting them to battle.

Stockade, West Virginia, on Cacaphon Creek, Morgan County.Dupont, Camp,

"What will not men do for want of thought or rather to be thought brave by the giddy multitudes.

The location of Fort Henry was on the west side of Main Street, from near 11th Street to about half way up the block toward 10th. The main gate was located on the Main Street side, and there was probably a sally port, or rear exit, which may have led to a protected walkway down to the river. Dictionary of the United States Army, Volume 2, by Francis B. While often frustrating, such work points out the need for continued fresh assessments of evidence, for continued searching for new sources, and the more critical examinations of such evidence.

For the French and British, it meant the retention of their hold on the fur trade, bought with guns and whiskey.

A scout, John Schoolcraft, said he had warned Wheeling and Fort Pitt about marauding bands of Indians at about this same time.The infamous September 1, 1777, attack was the most vicious of any at Fort Henry. The Imperial Display stores mark the site.