After I accepted the Lord, I was able to help lead I grew up in many Protestant Christian churches, but I was not taught God’s Word. My life was full of Church activity, but yet so empty? 1223: Laci Green – … Today we feature Julienna Viegas’ speech from THRIVEDAY 2019. Their answers seemed logical and something I could wrap my life around. At one point, I even served as the Stake Young Women’s President, but when I got divorced, the Church excommunicated me. When the Mormon missionaries answered my questions with the Bible, I was intrigued. So we all pressed on, putting on that Sunday face that hides the real feelings we possess from wear and tear, over extending ourselves in callings to serve, and over-committing additional time that will eventually lead to mindless insanity. A spy is in their pews. It’s a Relationship —not a Religion, not a Church— but a Relationship with the Lord that is the way to eternal life with God! With my knowledge of the “Scriptures,” I was in demand by the fulltime missionaries because I could usually persuade any prospective convert to accept the “validity” of the Mormon viewpoint, but it all began to fall apart when I discovered that DNA proved the Native Americans emigrated from Asia, NOT Jerusalem.

Bob B – The Youngest Mormon Bishop in England. It wasn’t long and we were on our way to raising a family of 5 children of our own. But as a young adult, I fell away because I was unable to live up to all of the Church’s standards. Category: Ex-Mormon Stories.

The Short Topics section has an additional 500 topics on Mormonism..

This speech was delivered before a live audience in Salt Lake City, UT on November 17, 2019.

The Mormon Church has a leaker problem. This is contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ, he tells us through His Word the Bible to search and test all things. This speech was delivered before a live audience in Salt Lake City, UT on November 17, 2019. Rocky – Ex-Mormon. This speech was delivered before a live audience in Salt Lake City, UT on November 17, 2019. Julienna also reflects on … Today we feature Amber Scorah’s speech from THRIVEDAY 2019. All my time, money, energy and interests were centred around the Church.

Although I accepted Christ 3 months before she died, I was unprepared for the spiritual turmoil I faced when my church fell apart. Through Bob, a Christian who took his faith seriously, I found what being “saved” and “born again” is all about.I was born into an LDS home and raised in Salt Lake City, Utah. As a Mormon, I was proud of my heritage as a “Lamanite” descendant of Book of Mormon people. As a Mormon, I was proud of my heritage as a “Lamanite” descendant of One day at Sacrament meeting when the focus was on Jesus and His atoning sacrifice for us, I felt the Spirit of the Lord, but when I mentioned this to my Bishop, he rebuked me by saying that because of my probation and inability to partake in Sacrament, it was not possible for me to feel the Spirit. This speech was delivered to a live audience in Salt Lake City, UT on November 17, 2019. As you listen to my journey look for the repeated patterns until truth set me free.My journey began as a young girl being raised by a mother that loved me but didn’t know how to show it. She did not have God in her life and so did not know how to guide me to follow God’s will in my life. When my new wife, Cheryl, was baptized into Mormonism, I too was reinstated into the Church. Posted in Ex-Mormon Stories. Is this truly God’s plan for happiness?In my 56 years as a Mormon, I raised four beautiful children, born into the covenant, served a mission in South America, served as a Stake Missionary 3 times, a Stake Mission President, an Elders Quorum President 3 times, a High Council member for 7 years with responsibility for the Bishop’s Store House and Dry Pack Cannery, a Scout Master, a Financial Clerk, a Membership Clerk, Ward Mission Leader, and an Executive Secretary. Posted in Ex-Mormon Stories.

Please … When someone loses their faith in Mormonism, there are several paths  often followed. . Posted in Ex-Mormon Stories.

Mike Norton, an ex-Mormon known online as NewNameNoah, has been out to expose the church he says is "weird, creepy, culty," and based on fraud.. Last month, he was key in spreading a viral video of a Mormon 12-year-old girl named Savannah who came out as lesbian to her Utah congregation. My parent’s relationship with each other was not good and when my mom died when I was 12 years old, I was left alone most of the time.

Finally, my search for the truth about God and what He has to offer led me to the REAL Jesus of the Bible. But God had other plans. One is to become agnostic or atheist, and never to rejoin a religion again.

What was missing? When I questioned the LDS leadership about these problems, I was excommunicated for my “lack of faith,” and disowned by my LDS family.

This speech was delivered to a live audience in Salt Lake City, UT on November 17, 2019. There is a biography board at Exmobb_biography which has over 550 additional stories as of Dec 2007. Posted in Ex-Mormon Stories.

Then in 1986, while attending the Bible Studies of a cowboy preacher, Rocky was saved. We were sealed in the Seattle Temple for all time and eternity as husband and wife. What a creepy experience that was! My family heritage goes back to the Prophet Joseph Smith. “No one can be that perfect!” I thought. … Statement of Purpose: In 2020 we are experiencing a “Mormon Renaissance” of sorts, as the LDS church (under President Russell M. Nelson) is making historic changes to accommodate long-fought-for progressive … Clarissa Winter is a direct descendant of Brigham Young (on her father’s side) and a Guatemalan Mormon convert (on her mother’s side).