The resulting timber frontages were followed by wooden fore-stairs which reduced the width of the street even more (until banned by the Council in 1674. University of Strathclyde David Muir … “Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all material is copyright © The University of Edinburgh 2020.Selvaraj BT, Livesey MR, Zhao C, Gregory J, James OT, Cleary  EM, Chouhan AK, Gane A, Perkins EM, Dando O, Lillico SG, Lee Y-B, Nishimura AL, Poreci U, Thankamony S, Pray M, Vasistha NA, Magnani D, Borooah S, Burr K, Story D, McCampbell A, Shaw CE, Kind PC, Aitman TJ, Whitelaw CBA, Wilmut I, Smith C, Miles GB, Hardingham GE, Thomson SR, Seo SS, Barnes SA, Louros SR, Muscas M, Dando O, Kirby C, McQueen J, Ryan TJ, McKay S, Marwick K, Carpanini S, Wishart TM, Gillingwater TH, Manson JC, Hasel P, Dando O, Jiwaji Z, Baxter P, Todd AC, Heron S, Márkus NM, McQueen J, Hampton DW, Torvell M, Tiwari SS, McKay S, Eraso-Pichot A, Zorzano A, Masgrau R, Galea E, Chandran S, Booker SA, Campbell GR, Mysiak KS, Brophy PJ, Kind PC, Mahad DJ & Perkins EM, Suminaite D, Clarkson YL, Lee SK, Lyndon AR, Rothstein JD,Livesey MR, Magnani D, Cleary EM, James OT, Selvaraj BT, Burr K, Vasistha NA, Story D, Shaw CE, Kind PC, Hardingham GE, Livesey MR, Magnani D, Hardingham GE, Chandran S & Barnes SA, Wijetunge LS, Jackson AD, Katsanevaki D, Osterweil EK, Komiyama NH, Grant SGN, Bear MF, Nägerl UV, Kind PC & Till SM, Asiminas A, Jackson AD, Katsanevaki D, Barnes SA, Osterweil EK, Bear MF, Chattarji S, Wood ER, James OT, Livesey MR, Qiu J, Dando O, Bilican B, Haghi G, Rajan R, Burr K, Hardingham GE, Chandran S, Kind PC, & Livesey MR, Bilican B, Qiu J, Rzechorzek NM, Haghi G, Burr K, Hardingham GE, Chandran & McMahon AC, Barnett MW, Stoney PN, Collins MO, O’Leary TS, Papadia S,  Choudhary JS, Komiyama NH, Grant SGN, Hardingham GE, Puddifoot CA, Martel M-A, Soriano FX, Camacho A, Vidal-Puig A, Edman S, McKay S, MacDonald LJ, Samadi M, Livesey MR, Hardingham GE & Martel M-A, Ryan TJ, Bell KFS, Fowler JH, McMahon A, Al-Mubarak B, Komiyama NH, Horsburgh K, Kind PC, Grant SGN,
Betsy was born on September 11 1885, in 2 Grieves Entry, Langholm, Dumfriesshire, Sco. Directly related to our structure-function studies of NMDARs we use pre-clinical models of single gene causes of neurodevelopmental disorders (such as fragile X syndrome) to study the properties of altered synaptic function and to assess the extent to which pharmacological intervention can ameliorate the changes that are observed in such models.A more recent focus of our research is the electrophysiological and functional characterization of defined neuronal and glial populations derived from human embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells and specifically those from individuals suffering from neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative diseases. From thence all of thame, both hors and fute, convoyit these deid corps to the Abay Kirk of Halyrudhous quhair he is left inclosit in ane yll [aisle] till forder ordour be by his Majestie and Estaites of Parliament for the solempnitie of his Buriall.Executions at the gallows on the burgh muir ended in 1675 after the ground had been leased, first to a The older form of the Burgh Muir name is retained by a street between W Moir Bryce, The Book Of The Old Edinburgh Club, vol. X, Edinburgh 1918, contains a court statement made by the Edinburgh magistrates in 1593 which defines its limits in detail: "Begynnand at the west neuke [corner] of the dyke [wall] upoun the south syde of Sanct leonards loneing [lane] qr [where] the grund of the croce stands, and thairfra passand south and south eist as the said dyke gangis be the heids of the airabill landis of Sanctleonards and Preistisfield respectively until it cum to the end of the dyke foresaid, and to the gait that passes to the Priestisfield, Peppermylne, and Nidrie, and fra the south wast syde of the said gait, as ane oyr dyke passes south and south wast, be the sydes of the airable lands of Camroun qll it cum to the south wast neuk of the said dyke, and thairfra doun as the said dyke passes south south eist to the end of the Grene end of the said Commoun Mure by and contigue to the passage and hie street [Dalkeith Road] fra the said burgh of Edr.

to the brig end betuix the lone dyke of the said lands of Camroun, and thairfra ascendand the waster lone dyke be the edge of the said commoun mure, and as the said wester lone dyke gannis to the end thairof, quhair it meets at the croce dyke by and upoun the eist syde of the aikers of the said commoun mure pertening to [blank text] and sa linalie be the said dyke qll it cum to the Powburne, and sua up the said Pow burne qll it cum to the loneing that passes to the lands of Newlands pertening to the laird of Braid [bordering the south of the Grange], and thairfra wastwart as the dyke gangis to the south neuk of the dyke situat upone the eister pt of the lands of Tipperlinn, and sua northwart as the said dyke gangis by the yet [gate] of Tipperlinn, and thairfra northwart to the dykes of the corne land heids thairof, passand north as the said dyke gangis to the hie gait that passes by W Moir Bryce, The Book Of The Old Edinburgh Club, vol.x, Edinburgh 1918, p.2 quoting Bellenden's W Moir Bryce, The Book Of The Old Edinburgh Club, vol.x, Edinburgh 1918, pp.1-2W Moir Bryce, The Book Of The Old Edinburgh Club, vol.x, Edinburgh 1918, W Moir Bryce, The Book Of The Old Edinburgh Club, vol.x, Edinburgh 1918, pp.96-102W Moir Bryce, The Book Of The Old Edinburgh Club, vol.x, Edinburgh 1918W Moir Bryce, The Book Of The Old Edinburgh Club, vol.x, Edinburgh 1918, p.67W Moir Bryce, The Book Of The Old Edinburgh Club, vol.x, Edinburgh 1918, p.67 This extract from the printed Burgh Records, vol.i, p.129 is rendered in modern English, but the original document cannot have used the £-sign for sterling; and is therefore more likely to refer to pounds Scots.W Moir Bryce, The Book Of The Old Edinburgh Club, vol.x, Edinburgh 1918, pp.71 & 74, where the 1530 list is reprinted from the M Cant, Sciennes and the Grange, John Donald 1990, p.2M Cant, Marchmont In Edinburgh, John Donald 1984, p.1H M Paton, The Book of the Old Edinburgh Club, vol.xxiv, Edinburgh 1942, pp.79-80, "ane man to byde on the standartis to bring thaim with him in haist that nycht that the kingis grace departit furth of Edinburgh"R L Mackie, King James IV of Scotland, Oliver & Boyd 1958, p.247W Maitland, History of Edinburgh, Hamilton Balfour & Neill 1753, p.507C J Smith, Historic South Edinburgh, vol.1, Edinburgh & London 1978, p.229C J Smith, Historic South Edinburgh, vol.1, Edinburgh & London 1978, pp.228-9 Smith does not identify the precise time in history he is describing in this scene.C J Smith, Historic South Edinburgh, vol.1, Edinburgh & London 1978, p.228-9S Harris, The Place Names Of Edinburgh, London 1996 describes this as "a wedge-shaped outshot of the Burgh Muir" which extended from its base about 150 yards along the north side of today's East Preston Street "tapering to a point about 400 yards further north" at today's Spittalfield Crescent.W Moir Bryce, The Book Of The Old Edinburgh Club, vol.x, Edinburgh 1918, pp.85-6W Moir Bryce, The Book Of The Old Edinburgh Club, vol x, Edinburgh 1918, pp.87ff.John Nicoll, A Diary Of Public Transactions And Other Occurrences, chiefly in Scotland, from January, 1650, to June, 1667, Bannatyne Club 1836W Moir Bryce, The Book Of The Old Edinburgh Club, vol x, Edinburgh 1918, p.96