Stripes were laid upon me so that man could be whole in every sense. You're already in our mailing list. 12:11).When God corrects us so that we take the Lord’s Supper in a worthy manner, He is separating us from the world so that “we may not be condemned with the world.”What does it mean to be condemned with the world? US$7.99 It’s not the physical symbol audibly communicating to your physical ear. The crumbs can drive cancer out.And you, child of God, don’t just have a crumb. We are meant to be constantly flowing and moving.The Bible describes the Spirit as “rivers of living water” (John 7:38–39).Don’t neglect the gift of the Holy Spirit, which is praying in tongues. (1 John 3:16.) As a disciple you follow Jesus Christ, who is the Master and by living like Him you become more like Him. This cup has something to say to you today! It’s not about positive thinking, it’s about the blood. Today, we are in Christ, dead and risen.Even if you feel like you’re not living in the resurrection life, the reality is that you are!This is why for believers, we are not looking forward to death. It’s not about the bread and wine; it’s about the body and blood of Jesus.

But it will surely happen. I was flowing for the Remission of this man’s sins. The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ? #1 The Lord’s Supper #2 The Sacredness of the Lord’s Supper #3 A Study on the Blood #4 Why Bread and Wine? Stones that lie scattered on the ground are common, but once they are used to build a house, they become “living stones.”We are also like living water, not stagnant water. In the rapture, it is the Lord Himself who will be sent from heaven. The Accused listens as the Advocate calmly reassures him, but still remains quite apprehensive and uncomfortable. I’ve got all the proof you’d ever need. Why do Christians observe Communion? The church is the many-membered body of Christ. If you would partake of it, you will escape the condemnation and sentence on the world.”There’s a sentence on this world because of sin: sickness and death.Christians are not to suffer that sentence because Jesus’ blood was shed for the remission of our sins.No, sickness is a curse. The accused, however, is a bit un-nerved. For those who felt Rice’s last books involved a heavy dose of Socratic-like philosophical dialogue, the story line of Blood Communion stands in thrilling contrast.

If we are not willing to love, neither are we worthy to receive love. To have weakness, sickness, and death.One of the things that the Israelites did when they partook of the Passover lamb (a picture of the Lord’s Supper) was that they ate the head. For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.”‭‭From this verse, we can’t tell whether the disciples drank from the cup before Jesus explained what it meant or whether He explained it before they drank from it.The order in which they partook (whether Jesus explained it first or the disciples drank from the cup first) will tell us whether the Communion is a symbol or it’s literal.The account in the book of Matthew does not tell us the order, but the account in the book of Mark does.Of all the gospels, the most chronological account of Jesus’ ministry is the gospel of Mark. “Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. Because He accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as His Savior… Sickness and disease have every right to rule in this man’s body while he’s here on this earth. © 2020 CityLife Church Melbourne Australia. God has given His children a powerful gift so that none of us would be sick, weak, or die young. Set before us, we see the elements of the Lord’s Supper: the bread represents Christ’s body broken to make us whole the cup of juice represents Christ’s […] Actively partake of it. confirmation link in the email we just sent you. Those who resist Him, and oppose Him, however, will one day stand before what the Bible calls "The Great White Throne Judgment." You have the whole piece of bread.God uses the weak things to confound the mighty (see 1 Cor.

For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.”‭‭ — Matthew‬ ‭26:27–28‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ You can purchase a DVD of this message and another illustrated communion message (The Blood Still Speaks) by clicking here. By partaking of it, I testify that Jesus’ body was broken for me and that He shed His blood for me. 2. (Matthew 6:15.) )The day before He was crucified, Jesus commanded His The Lord’s Supper is a testimony. 2:5). This morning we are going to participate in some profound symbolism. “For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, “And Peter, remembering, said to Him, “Rabbi, look!

Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground. Communion is not an obligation, but a celebration. All men sin.