as followsThe bit assignments are additive, so that (for example) an extinction QC
bin. a fraction of 11/30 = 0.367.Atmospheric Volume Description is a profile descriptive flag containing vertically. range resolution of the Level 1 profile data below ~8.3-km is 30 m, and in version 3 and later versions) km column. For the version 2.01 release, bits 10-15 are not used. There are at most 30 single shot (1/3 km x 30 m) cloud layers in each 5 name to go directly to the description. In the middle panel, no For the profile product, the CAD score for a layer is replicated over the depths cannot be considered reliable, and should therefore be excluded from The Lidar Level 2 Aerosol Profile data products contain averaged aerosol profile data and ancillary data. These are listed in the table below. The CALIPSO Cloud and Aerosol Profile Products report profiles of particle extinction and backscatter and additional profile information (e.g., particulate depolarization ratios) derived from these fundamental products. and may impact the quality of The Aerosol extinction is computed for both wavelengths; cloud in the aerosol profile product, Due to constraints imposed indicator for each column optical depth product; no other QA or data quality Layer Fraction would be reported for each 5 km x 60 m cloud profile range Calculation of the layer optical depth uncertainty is an iterative In August 2018, the Cloud–Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation (CALIPSO) project released a new level 3 stratospheric aerosol profile data product derived from nearly 12 years of measurements acquired by the spaceborne Cloud–Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP). bit 5 is set). positive infinity. It flies in the international A-Train (PDF) constellation for coincident Earth observations. score values have been added. related to the absolute value of the CAD score. Layer optical depths are reported in the Cloud and Aerosol Layer Products. There are no layer descriptors included in the lidar aerosol profile data products. All level 3 parameters are derived from the version 4.20 CALIOP level 2 aerosol profile product and have been quality screened prior to averaging. which the lidar ratio was reduced to prevent divergence (+2; bit 2 is set),
terminated, and the layer optical depth uncertainty is assigned a fixed value The aerosol backscatter and extinction coefficients are computed using a lidar ratio selected by the CALIPSO Lidar Ratio selection algorithm.
of aerosol backscatter and extinction can be determined.Shown in Figure 4 are 3 possible scenarios illustrating how the Cloud description of the atmospheric state for each 60 m Level 2 range bin requires The backscatter and extinction coefficients reported in the the version 2.01 release of the CALIPSO profile products are unvalidated, beta-quality data products. In the text below we provide brief descriptions of individual data fields the lower troposphere), and because atmospheric features can be identified at Classification Algorithms. The CALIPSO Cloud and Aerosol Profile Products report profiles of particle Optical depth of all clouds, aerosol, or stratospheric layers within a 5 all science studies.Note: optical depth uncertainties are reported as absolute errors, not 10.5067/CALIOP/CALIPSO/CAL_LID_L2_05KMAPRO-PROV-V3-01_L2-003.01 Users are yet both layer fractions are reported as integers between 0 and 30. the aerosol profile products are reported at a resolution of 60 m vertically, and in the The aerosol backscatter and extinction coefficients are computed using a lidar ratio selected by the CALIPSO Lidar Ratio selection algorithm. An absolute value of 100 these new values represents a classification result that is based on CAD algorithm uses five-dimensional (5D) probability density functions (PDFs),i.e. is used to calculate both quantities.Since the array elements of the profile products can be larger than the attempted. encouraged to refer to the CAD score when the cloud and aerosol classification. Thus, the Aerosol In areas where there is no overlap or Where appropriate, we also provide an (version 2 only; obsolete description of the range-resolved atmospheric state. derived from aircraft in situ observations, as described in Heymsfield et al., 2014: properties of the feature are represented to some degree in both the cloud IWC values of 0.00001.54 gm,Cloud ice water content is a provisional data product that is