and lasts until 286 B.C.E. Of course, they come with elephant-mounted troops, altogether they have and flexible selection of troops. There are only eight factions in Alexander, and only Macedon is playable in campaign mode. But due to the small scope of the expansion it shouldn't be considered a 'full game' but rather a minor addition to the original Rome: Total War.

There are 6 new Historical Battles. Some problems may be experienced with the installation of the Alexander expansion if your original RTW installation is not patched to the right version, or if you have insufficient space on your C: drive (regardless of where game is installed) see The Alexander engine is different from the RTW engine.

This faction however does not exist in the main campaign and is only playable through custom battles. another. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Think about it. Alexander is the second expansion for Rome: Total War that was released on June 19, 2006. The first of these which the player controls during the campaign is Macedon: a phalanx-happy faction with missile troops and cavalry for support, reminiscent of the Greeks from the original game.

Rome: Total War – Alexander was released on the 15th September 2006 by the Creative Assembly and Activision. Alexander is the 2nd expansion for RTW, released in June 2006. Generals can now be made immortal, so they do not die of old age (but can Very cool.. ... total war all factions victory cutscene - Duration: 18:43.

Rome: Total War – Alexander Expansion Pack The second expansion for Rome: Total War, Alexander is set much earlier time period than the original game, beginning in 336 BC. Throughout the Total War series, the 'rebels' have been used to represent rebellious provinces and various minor factions (such as the Illyrians in the original Rome: Total War). There are 6 Factions represented in the Singleplayer Campaign

They make war in the same way, and follow the pattern developed by Alexander and his father, Philip II. It has all the features of RTW, but also some new ones.

Cookies help us deliver our services. Alexander is the perfect game for seasoned commanders. Their specialty troops are mercenary Greek hoplites and the Immortals, which fire a bow and carry a spear for self-defense. The first of these which the player controls during the campaign is Macedon: a phalanx-happy faction with missile troops and cavalry for support, reminiscent of the Greeks from the original game. ‎Lead history’s most audacious military campaign as Alexander the Great and embark upon a conquest of the all-powerful Persian Empire. In the case that Alexander should die or run from the battle it is lost instantly. Unlike in most Total War titles however, in Alexander They have good archers, but lack in heavy cavalry. Rome: Total War is a game by Alexander features a new campaign map ranging from Egypt in the west to Persia in the east. However, in the 'Custom Battles' the player can also take control of three other factions, namely Dahae, India and Persia. The expansion plays much the same as the original game but with a new map, fewer factions and different units. Many of these include new historical units that would be in Alexander's actual army at that time. They do not have much melee infantry, having just one unit in the form of Indian Spearmen. They do not have much melee infantry, having just one unit in the form of Indian Spearmen. Naturally the game features many new units to reflect the era and nations involved. Many of these include new historical units that would be in Alexander's actual army at that time. This new map is smaller and has far fewer cities, only 32 in fact. Alexander dies in 100 turns, giving the player 100 turns to complete the campaign. Hypaspists act as a "prototype legionary", with a swath of javelins and a shorter spear for close combat.

Alexander is the 2nd expansion for RTW, released in June 2006. All other rights - including, but not limited to, distribution, duplication, and publish by any means - are retained by HeavenGames LLC.

They have many good archers, such as the Indian Longbowmen and Female Archers. During early Western History, the great military trends were: the Greek hoplites, … General Information. The expansion plays much the same as the original game but with a new map, fewer factions and different units. If he dies in battle or of old age before the campaign is complete the player loses the campaign. They are much like Gaul and Dacia in vanilla Rome, with spear warbands and swordsmen. Hording is still not possible though.
Any PC that can run RTW/BI should be able to run Alexander. There are 6 Historical … They take on the role of Alexander the Great in an attempt to sweep eastwards and to capture almost every settlement on the map in 100 turns or less. Their infantry is mostly light, and with a wealth of missile troops like Median Archers and Persian Peltasts.

If he dies in battle or of old age before the campaign is complete the player loses the campaign.