Let me tell you ‘the love triangle’ is so passé now; let me introduce you to ‘the love square’. The Love Square? Can they resist the temptations?

A Jersey girl through and through, she resides in the central part of the state with her husband, two sons, and dog. "Well the thing is, there's already someone in my regular life that I like.

*I was totally hooked by the concept of this book. The outcome was predictable and I could not connect with her as the main character.I’ve got to admit it, I was rather disappointed by this book. Thank you Netgalley for sending me an early copy of this book in return for an honest review. This is a constant thing she had wanted when she decided to freeze her eggs once she knew she would not be able to have babies 'the conventional way' when she was battling cancer.

Yes, this book is definitely about a love square.

It’s time to grow up. STRONG!, only to run on for way too long, dragging everything out and making an already messy situation way messier than it needed to be. "Hey Chat, thanks for being sincere with me the other day by the way. This book's insights into topics such as breast cancer and surrogacy were beautifully written and brought me to tears, and her relationship with Clementine was the star of the show for me (close sister relationships? The links will take you to the web site's home page. The problem? “I saw a beautiful woman I wanted to spend the night with.” "Yea, I know. So thoughtless. We neeYou should absolutely keep in my mind because it’s so hard to find feel-good reads lately. Seeing that it had an amazing happily ever after allowed me to continue through the book with ease. Maybe it is all the pastel colors cover's fault. I love high-concept books, especially those containing romance. Teasing can be a sign of affection. However, this was definitely not the case. Penny is single and dating.
» I truly enjoyed this read. We’d love your help. Leading a double life is so hard, you know? AFTER five years of no romance, Penny suddenly finds three men come along at once (like buses!).

I loved the individual friendships on opposite coasts but when they all came together it was just off. This turned out to be a more emotional book than I expected.

Everything from the characters to the plot all the way to the intensity level is spot on and absolutely amazing. She is a young, talented chef who runs her own cafe in London.

She turned into the hug as silent sobs shook her frame in his arms. It was romantic and funny without turning into the boilerplate porn story that so many romances are these days. But that's not really me. The tension is palpable & I kept yelling at them to “spill it”. It felt weirdly icky to me. Her body betrayed her, and tears fell from her eyes. The characters are real and alive. I do like you Chat, much more than I probably should considering..." she trailed off, trying to find the right words.

This has consequences for her love life and leads to the love square mentioned in the title. ""I just caught Ladybug and Chat Noir talking on a rooftop by the Seine.

It was romantic and funny without turning into the boilerplate porn story that so many romances are these days. It's who I have to be to keep up appearances. The Love Square surprised me with its incredibly inventive plot! I've honestly never seen a book like this.

It is a fun and fast-paced romantic comedy, which deals with the story of Penelope Hermione Bridge, our heroine, who struggling to get dates, ends up in a connection with three guys at once, thus forming a love square geometrically!The Love Square by Laura Jane Williams is a light read. The Love Square follows the story of Penny, a bubbly and cheerful woman who runs a successful café in London, is an incredible chef, and seems to have everything going for her; after a harrowing battle with cancer in her 20s, Penny opted to freeze her eggs in the hope of becoming a mother someday, as due to her treatment etc she would not be able to carry a child herself. Who knew that being single could be so complicated? Love the Harrisonville Square is a non-profit organization that believes our Square is much more than a place: it’s our history, our home and the heart of the community we love. This funny, uplifting read is a real balm for the soul. It's a lighter read when you're not in the mood for anything dark but it also touches on some important topics such as losing parents, cancer, and infertility. Calla is a newer author to me as I have only read two of her other books, however if she keeps writing books like this I know many other readers will have this author on their watch list!
Our Stop was a favourite last year and this one *might* have stolen my heart even more. Alex and Jenna are best friends. She should just tell him! I say this because as Chat Noir I get to be the kind of person I always want to be. One, two, three... One day you have no choice and suddenly there are too many.

However, this was definitely not the case.

"I'm just... so frustrated that I can't figure out my own feelings. ** Thanks to Avon Books and Netgalley for my advanced copy in exchange for this review.

Now I need to insert my spoilers, [ A big part of me wished they would have gotten together in the end. , goes behind the scenes of a fiction...Another entertaining, fast pacing, feel-good, swoony, cute reading makes you smile, gives you positive energy.

Let me introduce you, readers, to The Love Square. 143 Users bookmarked This.

I went along for the ride and enjoyed it. The Love Square? When my eyes opened I saw that it was percy who was trying and succeeding to get me to wake up.

her friend said excitedly on the other end.Marinette rolled her eyes.