In addition, the Foundation seems to have some sort of vested interest in keeping 2470 active, beyond its normal mantra to Secure, Contain, and Protect.Most of this has to do with very standard minutiae: Lots of practice of critical tasks, medical and psychological analysis of those involved with containment, and extra vacations due to the high-stress position. Our declassifications both summarize the article as well as narratively explain and analyze its moving parts and thematic elements to enrich your reading experience.Press J to jump to the feed.

The shells are supported by a two-spool suspension system and are additionally surrounded by a Faraday cage made of superconducting cable with cells no larger than 5 cm across.Two d20-shaped shells, one inside the other. It's not just that the object annihilates anything it perceives, it's smart enough to make logical deductions and learn about reality by doing so. The containment volume is fitted with two (2) sets of service entrance airlocks with class VI explosion resistance blast doors and an additional emergency quick-hardening compound sealing system.The important things is that this is a huge volume, with multiple redundancies and very high-strength materials. The subjects’ task is to memorize one of the subcomponents and to implant it synchronously into the mind of the entity, which is located in the center of the shell, demonstrated to them using live transmission.

The subjects must receive instruction and conduct test procedures on D-class personnel. It also is the seed of a ZK-class scenario. SCP-106, also known as Corporal Lawrence and The Old Man, is a Keter-class humanoid SCP object contained by the SCP Foundation. Pretty straightforward, although there's a cute reference to It is essential to maintain a full stock of the aforementioned devices. The Fall Of Kekistan 3. Today's ending quote is very cliched, but I feel it's appropriate.Don't stare into the abyss, kids. The Foundation wants to keep anything from coming into contact with it.Honestly, this section is huge and doesn't have a lot that's necessary to understand the article. When taking part in the actual procedure, the subjects must not know it is not a trial run.In this case, a variant of "Weißschatten’s paradox” has been developed that can be sent telepathically.

Thus far our only salvation was the fact that the embryonic state of its mind cannot comprehend many of the things we consider obvious: that air is not nothingness and exists not just when it feels a breeze, that Earth is a celestial body of a finite size, that the Sun is not a flat shining spot on the horizon, that people, despite how different they are, all represent humankind as a whole, and so on.The anomaly's mind isn't developed enough or hasn't understood enough about the world around it to do more than affect its immediate area, allowing the Earth, air, the Sun, and people to continue to exist despite some exposure to 2470.Yes, it is essential to keep the object in complete isolation and to avert any transmission of the most insignificant information at any cost. This thing is a goddamn This talks about the neutralization procedure itself. Additional instances may be created at the discretion of the Senior Researcher assigned to SCP-1798. Why are we not engaging it?The reason is because the containment itself is of a huge strategic value to us. Permanent deployment of some of the objects from the approved SCP list inside the facilities of Area-141 is currently under review.This measure is supposed to mitigate the object's destructive influence by forcing it to spend a significant amount of time fully analyzing the complexity and inconsistencies of the aforementioned objects,This indicates that the object is destructive, but its destructive nature is limited by it analyzing anything it becomes aware of. The first paragraph says it requires two telepathic individuals, and gives some specifications about qualifiers.The executors must be kept in ignorance of the true purpose of the Area;Obviously, as awareness of 2470 (especially for a telepathic individual) could result in 2470 becoming aware of that individual and annihilating it.a cover story of it being a telepathy research center and the process being a test of their abilities is to be adhered to. (There's also a line about shutting off the turbomolecular pumps.