For one thing, business traffic between countries has increased greatly in the last few years.
If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Germany has signed the UN Anti-Corruption Convention but has not yet ratified it. The following issues are important to note when considering giving a gift:Germany generally has the same traditions as most other European countries in terms of gift-giving.Germans take great pride in dressing well, regardless of where they are going or what position they hold. In Germany, a small gift is polite, especially when contacts are made for the first time. Transparency Deutschland, the German Chapter of Transparency International, sees a national corruption register as one of its main goals in Germany, closely followed by Freedom of Information legislation at Federal and State level, and fast ratification of the UN Anti-Corruption Convention placing bribery of parliamentarians on the same level as bribery of public officials.The German government has successfully prosecuted hundreds of domestic corruption cases over the years with numbers rising significantly over the last two years. Government officials are forbidden from accepting gifts linked to their jobs. Substantial gifts are not usual, and certainly not before a deal has been reached if you don't want your intentions to be misinterpreted. Further, Germany has increased the penalties for bribery of German officials, for corrupt practices between companies, and for price-fixing by companies competing for public contracts. Email us at Some of the cultural distinctions that businesspeople most often face include differences in business styles, attitudes towards the development of business relationships, attitudes toward punctuality, gift-giving customs and the meanings of colors and numbers. The German thought process is extremely detailed, with each aspect of a project being examined in great detail. There are several reasons for this. In German business culture, as well as the business etiquette in Germany, this is reflected in the following of prescribed business rules. General Guidelines.

Germany is a nation that is strongly individualistic. Be five to ten minutes early for important appointments.Gift-giving among business associates is not common in Germany. The following sections give an insight into the values, attitudes, culture and business etiquette in Germany.The German government takes environmental issues in the country extremely seriously and the inclusion of the Green party in the ruling coalition over the past few years has greatly influenced Germany’s energy and environmental policy objectives. There has recently been a move towards concentrating much more on the actual business, and less on formalities and rituals like gift-giving when traveling on business. Even though gift giving among business associates is not as common in Germany as it is, for instance, in the US, it’s quite popular on social occasions and holidays. Rules and regulations allow people to know what is expected so that they can plan their lives accordingly. This is a culture that likes forward-thinking and knowing what they are doing at a specific time on a specific day. Germany ratified the 1998 OECD Anti-Bribery Convention in February 1999, thereby criminalizing bribery of foreign public officials by German citizens and firms abroad.The necessary tax reform legislation ending the tax write-off of bribes in Germany and abroad became law in March 1999. Here the German government has sought to reduce both domestic and foreign corruption.
From phasing out nuclear power to promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy, Germany has become a pioneer within the EU in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and in making alternative fuel sources viable.

From phasing out nuclear power to promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy, Germany has become a pioneer within the EU in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and in making alternative fuel sources viable.

However, for more social occasions, gift-giving is relatively customary.

Trains arrive and leave on time to the minute, projects are carefully scheduled, and organization charts are very detailed.Do not turn up late for an appointment or when meeting people. The government is also working to meet the EU’s commitment to the preservation of nature.Germany leads Europe by having the greatest solar and wind electricity generating capacity on the continent.Germans are most comfortable when they can organize their world into controllable units.