Defeat a faction in the campaign. How to control your armies in battle. First, what difficulty are you playing on? Before government type was introduced public order was nearly un managable. Start by boosting your cities to its highest possible tax rate without having it revolt against you. The guide was written based on difficulty level: Hard. But after many many restarts on Carthage i have figured out how to grow into an Empire to easily take on Rome. I am NOT a better player of Rome 2, in fact, Rome 2 takes the least amount of tactical thinking than any other game in the series. It is a perfect balance between mindless hack and slash on easy difficulty … Profit Winning fast with cheats (the boring way) 1. Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition. Get a good power base and advance your tech while doing it (the tech tree is not essential to victory unless you are going for cultural). Try and destroy your enemies one at a time. Conquer land in Africa and spain. The Total War: Rome II guide is mainly intended for beginners, especially for those players, who play the Total War strategic games series for the first time. Since the Seleucid Empire probably has one of the roughest starts in Rome Total War, Edorix has written a second opening moves guide. Please register for Total War Access to use the forums. Workshop, The Game of Fantasy Battles, the twin-tailed comet logo, and all associated I am currently on a very hard campaign and just took over Italy at around 80ish turns. Also a Lord of the rings mod would be so good. They're not as hard as Odyrissian, but still headache challenging. In Total War: Rome II you will ultimately win or lose on the campaign map. registered trade marks or trade marks of SEGA Holdings Co., Ltd. or its affiliates. 2.9k members in the RomeTotalWar community. If you need to focus on military first, you'll need to watch your upkeep by researching techs/selecting agent traits that reduce it.

All Just paying army and fleet upkeep will eat up most of your income from trade, taxation, and resource extraction. ??? Learn how to effectively control an army when in battle in Total War: ROME II. Gallery. Academy. If your Empire is stagnant, your armies are weak, you are against a coalition of enemies, and your trade routes are raided you will face an uphill game. The Siege of Capua. Play as factions on short campaign mode with easy battle/campaign difficulties 2. No need for one with the bug ridden Rome II engine If there’s one specific faction you want to play, wipe out that faction in the campaign by killing every one of its family member (generals). trade marks of The Creative Assembly Limited. Carthage is actually really flexible and I love it. AND believe me I know your pain with Rome 2's Carthage. I've restarted the campaign at least 10 times, and even resorted to putting it on easy mode (embarrassing, I know). If this is your number one priority, try making a large number of assassins and send them to kill the family members directly. IN ONE WORD the key to winning with Carthage -AFRICA. Then i tried using Carthage in legendary mode, helll. I would mix both.

@Commo, thrid age = Lord of the Rings mod based on Medieval2 TW :-) As a republic you get a +10 happiness to public order. It will literally accept most of your peace offers to the point where you can literally turn them against Rome. If you have big aggressive neighbors, you need to punch them in the nose first.Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world, and used under licence. So, I am retrying for the 12th time my Carthage Campaign in very hard and I feel your pain, truly. Is it best to build up your economy and getting your technology researched before gaining more land? characters, and the distinctive likeness thereof, are either ® or ™, and/or © Games The new ‘Imperator Augustus’ Campaign Pack adds hundreds of hours of sandbox gameplay across a new campaign map reflecting the geopolitical boundaries of the Second Triumvirate War. If you're an existing user, your forum details will be merged with Total War Access if you register with the same email or username. 5. -Turn one you have to realize Carthage is no superpower and in no shape to fight anyone, let alone ROME. Set against a classical backdrop charting the rise of Rome as the world’s first superpower, ROME II allows you to play as many different factions of the time, across a vast theatre stretching from the western tip of Portugal to the jewelled cities of the Middle-East. You start off in a world of excrement with enemies on all sides. Control a province with 4 settlement are an advantage, better if you control province with minimum border. Dominate the enemies of your glorious empire by military, economic and political means.You are not permitted to copy any image, text or info from this page.This site is not associated with and/or endorsed by the SEGA or Creative Assembly. It requires some discipline to preserve your early game economy by sitting tight and not over-recruiting military units. Their hoplite arent as tough like greek, they dont have archer, their horse cavalry just as equal as citizen cavalry, and they only have one kind of horse cavalry. Presuming that you're talking of the Grand Campaign; could you please be a little more specific as to how your game plays out. By following his alchemic formula, you can turn that heap of feces into pure gold and end up conquering the entire world.